
  • Purpose: To explore the human attributes of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) and provide a clear explanation, supported by scientific reasoning, that he was not divine but rather a prophet of Allah.
  • Focus: Emphasize that Allah is One, has no partners, and that the concept of Jesus as God contradicts the core principles of Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah).

Section 1: Human Attributes of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)

  1. Dependency on Oxygen:

    • Explanation: Discuss how Jesus needed oxygen to survive, just like any human being.
    • Scientific Reference: Explain the biological necessity of oxygen for cellular respiration.
    • Quranic Reference: Highlight verses that affirm Jesus’ humanity.
  2. Need for Water:

    • Explanation: Jesus needed water to stay hydrated.
    • Scientific Reference: Explore the importance of water in maintaining bodily functions.
    • Quranic Reference: Reference to the verse that mentions human beings are created from water.
  3. Requirement for Food:

    • Explanation: Jesus consumed food, emphasizing his human nature.
    • Scientific Reference: Discuss the role of food in providing energy and nutrients.
    • Quranic Reference: Cite Quranic verses that describe Jesus and his mother’s consumption of food.
  4. Need for Sleep:

    • Explanation: Jesus required sleep for rest and recovery.
    • Scientific Reference: Examine the biological processes that occur during sleep.
    • Quranic Reference: Mention how Allah, in contrast, never tires nor sleeps.
  5. Experience of Tiredness:

    • Explanation: Jesus felt tired after exertion.
    • Scientific Reference: Explain the concept of muscle fatigue and the human body’s need for rest.
    • Quranic Reference: Highlight that Allah does not experience fatigue.

Section 2: Jesus’ Birth and Development

  1. Pregnancy of Mary (Peace Be Upon Her):

    • Explanation: Mary carried Jesus for nine months, as is normal for any human birth.
    • Scientific Reference: Discuss the stages of fetal development.
    • Quranic Reference: Mention the miraculous birth without diminishing his humanity.
  2. Infancy and Growth:

    • Explanation: Jesus did not grow to adulthood in a single day; he went through normal stages of growth.
    • Scientific Reference: Detail human growth and development stages.
    • Quranic Reference: Show how the Quran describes Jesus’ early life.

Section 3: Logical and Theological Explanations

  1. Monotheism in Islam:

    • Explanation: Clarify the concept of Tawheed.
    • Theological Reference: Compare with the Christian concept of the Trinity.
    • Quranic Reference: Discuss Quranic verses that emphasize Allah’s oneness.
  2. The Role of Prophets in Islam:

    • Explanation: Explain that Jesus, like other prophets, was a messenger of Allah.
    • Theological Reference: Compare the roles of prophets in Islam and Christianity.
    • Quranic Reference: Highlight verses where Jesus is referred to as a servant of Allah.

Section 4: 30 Questions and Answers

  • Q1-Q10: Focus on Jesus’ human attributes and the scientific evidence supporting his humanity.
  • Q11-Q20: Discuss theological questions related to the concept of God in Islam.
  • Q21-Q30: Provide answers to common misconceptions about Jesus’ divinity and clarify Islamic teachings on the oneness of Allah.


  • Summary: Reiterate the importance of understanding Jesus’ role as a prophet and the concept of Tawheed.
  • Final Thoughts: Emphasize that recognizing Allah as the One and Only is central to Islamic faith.

In Islamic theology, it is fundamental to understand that all strength, power, and abilities in the universe originate from Allah (God). This concept is central to the belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawheed), which asserts that He is the only source of all that exists. Every human being and every creature has been given a portion of strength, power, and ability by Allah, but these attributes are limited and dependent on His will.

1. *Allah as the Ultimate Source of Strength* Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of everything in existence. In the Quran, Allah says: “To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on the earth: to Allah do all matters return” (Quran 3:109). This verse highlights that everything in the universe, including the strength of every creature, is under Allah’s control. No being has any inherent power independent of Allah.

2. *Human Strength: A Gift from Allah* Humans are endowed with varying degrees of strength, intelligence, and abilities, all of which are gifts from Allah. For instance, some people may be physically strong, others intellectually gifted, and yet others possess emotional resilience. However, these strengths are not self-generated; they are given by Allah, and they can be taken away at any time. This understanding is crucial for humility and the recognition that human strength is limited and contingent.

3. *Examples of Human Strengths and Limitations* – *Physical Strength:* A person may be strong enough to lift heavy weights or run fast, but this strength has limits. For instance, no matter how strong someone is, they cannot lift a mountain. This limitation is a sign that human strength is finite and dependent on Allah. – *Intellectual Strength:* A person may be a genius in certain fields, solving complex problems or making groundbreaking discoveries. However, there are always limits to human knowledge. There are mysteries in the universe that remain unsolved, and even the most intelligent minds can face confusion or forgetfulness. This shows that intellectual strength is also a gift from Allah, and it has its bounds. – *Emotional Strength:* Some people have remarkable emotional resilience, able to endure hardships without breaking down. But even the strongest can reach a point of vulnerability. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself, despite his incredible strength of character, was seen crying and praying fervently in times of difficulty, showing that even the greatest of humans rely on Allah for support.

4. *Angels and Their Strength* Angels, like humans, also receive their strength from Allah. The angel Jibreel (Gabriel), who delivered revelations to the prophets, is immensely powerful, but his power is entirely derived from Allah. He is not independent in his strength; he acts solely by Allah’s command. For instance, Jibreel is described in the Quran as having “mighty power” (Quran 81:20). Despite this, his power is a reflection of Allah’s power, not something he possesses inherently.

5. *Jesus as a Human Being: His Strengths and Limitations* Jesus (Isa in Islam) is a significant example in understanding the human limitations despite being a prophet. In the Quran and the Bible, Jesus is depicted as a person who ate, slept, prayed, and experienced human emotions. These attributes demonstrate his humanity and his dependence on Allah. – *Jesus Ate and Slept:* The Quran emphasizes that Jesus and his mother, Mary, ate food (Quran 5:75). Eating is a basic human need, and it indicates that Jesus was not self-sufficient; he needed sustenance provided by Allah. – *Jesus Prayed:* Jesus is recorded in the Gospels as spending long periods in prayer, particularly before significant events in his life. His need to pray shows his reliance on a higher power—Allah—for guidance and support. – *Jesus Was Born and Grew:* Jesus’ birth was a miraculous event, but it was still a birth, indicating that he had a beginning in time. He also grew in wisdom and stature, as mentioned in the Bible (Luke 2:52). Growth implies that he was not born with all knowledge and power but gained it over time, which is a clear indication of his human nature.

6. *Understanding the Oneness of Allah Through Human Limitations* The understanding of human and angelic limitations points to the oneness of Allah. If even prophets, who are among the most noble and gifted of Allah’s creation, are dependent on Him for strength and guidance, it underscores the fact that all power and strength belong solely to Allah. In contrast, Allah’s attributes are infinite and eternal. He does not sleep or rest (Quran 2:255), He does not need sustenance, and He is the sustainer of all that exists. This complete and utter independence is a defining characteristic of Allah, setting Him apart from His creation.

Wisdom and Reflection By reflecting on the limitations of even the greatest of humans, like Jesus, believers are reminded of the unique and unparalleled nature of Allah’s power. This recognition should lead to humility, gratitude, and a deeper commitment to worshiping Allah alone. It also serves as a powerful reminder that no created being, no matter how exalted, shares in the divinity of Allah.

Integrating This Understanding into Questions Using this detailed analysis, here are a few refined examples of questions:

1. *If Jesus was fully divine, why did he experience human needs like hunger and sleep, which signify dependence on something greater?*

2. *Why did Jesus pray to God if he himself possessed divine power? Does this not indicate his human need for guidance and support from Allah?*

3. *If Jesus is part of God, why did he experience emotions like fear and sadness, which are characteristics of human vulnerability?*

4. *Given that all strength and power come from Allah, how can Jesus, who displayed human weaknesses, be considered equal to Allah?*

5. *Why did Jesus, if he was divine, need to grow in wisdom and knowledge, as described in the Bible?*

These questions aim to stimulate thought and reflection on the true nature of Jesus and the oneness of Allah, encouraging a deeper understanding of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah).

1. How does Islam view Jesus (Isa)?

In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is viewed as a prophet and a messenger of Allah, not as divine.

2. What does the Quran say about Jesus’ birth?

The Quran states that Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary (Maryam) without a father, as a miraculous sign from Allah.

3. How is Jesus’ birth similar to that of Adam?

Jesus’ birth is similar to Adam’s creation because Adam was created without a father or mother, highlighting Allah’s power to create.

4. Why do Muslims believe Jesus is not divine?

Muslims believe Jesus is not divine because he exhibited human qualities such as eating, drinking, and sleeping.

5. What human activities did Jesus engage in?

Jesus engaged in human activities such as eating food, drinking water, and sleeping.

6. How did Jesus sustain himself physically?

Jesus sustained himself physically by eating food, drinking water, and getting rest.

7. Did Jesus worship Allah?

Yes, Jesus worshipped Allah and taught his followers to do the same.

8. How did Jesus’ daily life demonstrate his humanity?

Jesus’ daily life demonstrated his humanity through ordinary activities like sleeping, eating, and using the restroom.

9. Why is it significant that Jesus ate food and drank water?

It is significant because these actions show he had physical needs like any other human being.

10. What does the Quran say about Jesus and his mother eating food?

The Quran states that both Jesus and his mother Mary ate food, underscoring their humanity (Quran 5:75).

11. How did Jesus teach his followers to worship?

Jesus taught his followers to worship Allah alone, emphasizing monotheism.

12. What miracles did Jesus perform by Allah’s permission?

Jesus performed miracles such as healing the sick and raising the dead by Allah’s permission.

13. How does the Quran describe Jesus’ creation?

The Quran describes Jesus’ creation as similar to Adam’s: “Be,” and he was (Quran 3:59).

14. Why do Muslims reject the divinity of Jesus?

Muslims reject the divinity of Jesus because the Quran emphasizes his role as a servant and prophet of Allah.

15. What was Jesus’ primary mission according to Islam?

Jesus’ primary mission was to guide the Children of Israel and call them to worship Allah alone.

16. How did Jesus emphasize the oneness of Allah?

Jesus emphasized the oneness of Allah through his teachings and miracles, pointing to Allah’s power and authority.

17. What is the significance of Jesus’ prayer and worship?

Jesus’ prayer and worship highlight his dependence on Allah and his role as a devout servant.

18. How do Muslims view the concept of Jesus being the “son of God”?

Muslims reject the concept of Jesus being the “son of God,” viewing it as incompatible with monotheism.

19. What is the Islamic perspective on the Last Supper?

The Islamic perspective recognizes the Last Supper as an event where Jesus shared a meal with his disciples, reinforcing his human nature.

20. How does the Quran address Jesus’ miracles?

The Quran acknowledges Jesus’ miracles but attributes them to Allah’s will and power.

21. Why do Muslims believe Allah can create without conventional means?

Muslims believe Allah can create without conventional means because His power is absolute and beyond human limitations.

22. What lesson does Jesus’ creation teach about Allah’s power?

Jesus’ creation teaches that Allah’s command is sufficient to bring anything into existence.

23. How does the Quran affirm Jesus’ prophethood?

The Quran affirms Jesus’ prophethood by recounting his life, teachings, and miracles as acts of a prophet.

24. What does Islam say about the return of Jesus?

Islam teaches that Jesus will return before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and reaffirm monotheism.

25. How does understanding Jesus’ humanity strengthen Islamic faith?

Understanding Jesus’ humanity strengthens Islamic faith by clarifying his role as a prophet and reinforcing the belief in Allah’s oneness and power.

In conclusion, Islam views Jesus as a revered prophet who performed miracles, taught monotheism, and lived a human life. His creation, similar to that of Adam, underscores Allah’s omnipotence. The Quran emphasizes Jesus’ humanity to clarify misconceptions about his divinity, reinforcing the core Islamic belief in the oneness and uniqueness of Allah.

As both Christians and Muslims believe, Jesus (peace be upon him) will return. This raises the question: what will be His purpose upon His return? Christians claim Jesus will come for their group, while Muslims assert He will come for theirs. When considering Jesus’ character and mission, it becomes evident that His purpose will align with the commands of Allah.


  1. Jesus (peace be upon him) is known for his commitment to righteousness and justice.
  2. His teachings emphasized compassion, mercy, and adherence to divine commands.
  3. Upon His return, Jesus will work to eradicate evil and promote goodness.
  4. One of His primary missions will be to stop the publication of falsehoods and heresies.
  5. He will combat alcoholism, a major societal ill that leads to numerous other sins.
  6. Jesus will stand against prostitution, restoring dignity and purity to society.
  7. Gambling, with its destructive effects on individuals and families, will be targeted by Him.
  8. Any activities that go against the commands of Allah will be confronted and abolished.
  9. Jesus’ mission will not be about promoting any particular religious group.
  10. Instead, He will focus on upholding the truth and guiding humanity towards righteousness.
  11. Muslims follow the commands of Allah and strive to live according to Jesus’ teachings.
  12. Naturally, Jesus will find alignment with those who adhere to these principles.
  13. His mission will involve bringing people back to the worship of the one true God.
  14. Jesus will emphasize monotheism, a core belief in Islam.
  15. He will denounce false gods and idols, calling people to worship Allah alone.
  16. The teachings of Jesus and the Quran share many common values and principles.
  17. Justice, compassion, and humility will be at the forefront of His mission.
  18. Jesus will work to eliminate corruption and establish a just society.
  19. His actions will reflect the essence of Islamic teachings.
  20. Muslims, who already follow the teachings of Jesus, will naturally align with His mission.
  21. Jesus will not come to create division but to unite people under the banner of truth.
  22. His return will be a time of great spiritual awakening and reform.
  23. The true followers of Jesus will be those who adhere to His righteous path.
  24. By following His example, Muslims will demonstrate their commitment to His mission.
  25. Ultimately, Jesus’ return will reaffirm the universal principles of faith, guiding humanity towards a path of righteousness and submission to Allah.

In conclusion, Jesus’ purpose upon His return will be to stop evil practices and promote the commands of Allah. His mission will resonate with those who follow the teachings of Islam, naturally aligning Him with Muslims who strive to live according to His example.

For more information visit or contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari.

What will Jesus say when Christians claim to be His followers?

Jesus will question what “Christian” means, as this term was never used during His lifetime.

Did Jesus ever refer to Himself as a Christian?

No, Jesus never referred to Himself as a Christian.

What does Jesus know about the term “Christian”?

Jesus is aware that the term “Christian” was invented long after His time on earth.

When was the term “Christian” first used?

The term “Christian” was first used in Antioch around 44 AD, and it became more widely used in the following centuries.

What term would Jesus recognize for His followers?

Jesus would recognize His followers as those who practice total submission to Allah, which aligns with the meaning of “Muslim.”

What does the word “Muslim” mean?

The word “Muslim” means someone who submits to the will of Allah.

How did Jesus practice His faith?

Jesus practiced His faith by submitting completely to the will of Allah, teaching monotheism and righteousness.

What did Jesus teach about God?

Jesus taught the worship of one true God and called people to live righteously according to God’s commandments.

How do Muslims view Jesus?

Muslims view Jesus as a prophet and a messenger of Allah who preached submission to the one true God.

Why would Jesus deny knowledge of the term “Christian”?

Jesus would deny knowledge of the term because it did not exist during His time and was not part of His teachings.

What do Muslims believe about the return of Jesus?

Muslims believe that Jesus will return to restore justice and guide people back to the true worship of Allah.

How will Jesus react to being called “Christian”?

Jesus will clarify that He never called Himself or His followers Christians and that true followers submit to Allah.

What did Jesus call His followers during His lifetime?

Jesus called His followers to be servants of God, emphasizing submission and adherence to God’s will.

What will Jesus say about the label “Christian”?

Jesus will likely say that the label “Christian” is a man-made term that arose after His time on earth.

How does Jesus’ understanding align with the term “Muslim”?

Jesus’ understanding aligns with the term “Muslim” because it means one who submits to God, which was the core of His teachings.

What is the significance of Jesus’ return for Muslims?

Jesus’ return is significant for Muslims as it is believed He will reinforce the teachings of Islam and bring people back to the true path.

How do Christians and Muslims differ in their view of Jesus’ return?

Christians believe Jesus will return as part of their faith, while Muslims believe He will return to correct misconceptions and affirm Islamic teachings.

Will Jesus recognize the practices and beliefs of modern Christianity?

Jesus may not recognize many practices and beliefs of modern Christianity as they differ from His original teachings.

What will Jesus emphasize upon His return?

Jesus will emphasize monotheism, righteousness, and submission to Allah, which align with Islamic principles.

How will Jesus address the various sects and denominations of Christianity?

Jesus will likely call for unity and adherence to the original message of monotheism and submission to Allah.

What role will Jesus play in guiding humanity?

Jesus will guide humanity back to the worship of one true God and the righteous living according to divine commandments.

How will Jesus address misconceptions about His teachings?

Jesus will clarify misconceptions and emphasize the importance of following the true teachings of God.

What will be Jesus’ message to those who claim to follow Him?

Jesus’ message will be to follow the true path of submission to Allah, as he originally taught.

How will Jesus’ return impact the relationship between Christians and Muslims?

Jesus’ return will highlight the common ground between Christians and Muslims and encourage unity in worshiping one true God.

Why is understanding Jesus’ true message important for both Christians and Muslims?

Understanding Jesus’ true message is important for both Christians and Muslims to ensure they are following the correct path and teachings that align with submission to Allah.

In summary, Jesus’ return will emphasize the importance of monotheism, righteousness, and submission to Allah. His teachings align with the principles of Islam, and He will likely correct misconceptions that have arisen over the centuries.

For more information visit or contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari.

1. Why was the Torah revealed to Moses?

The Torah was revealed to Moses as a guide and a set of laws for the Children of Israel, teaching them about Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and how to live a righteous life.

2. What was the main message of the Torah?

The main message of the Torah was monotheism, adherence to Allah’s commandments, and living a life of righteousness and piety.

3. Why was Jesus sent by Allah?

Jesus was sent by Allah to guide the Children of Israel, reinforce the message of monotheism, and correct deviations that had arisen in the practice of the Torah.

4. What did Jesus teach about God?

Jesus taught the worship of one true God and called people to righteousness and moral integrity.

5. What is the Bible in the context of Jesus’ teachings?

The Bible, specifically the Injeel (Gospel), is the book revealed to Jesus containing guidance and teachings that reinforced the message of the Torah.

6. Why did Allah send Prophet Muhammad?

Allah sent Prophet Muhammad to restore the pure monotheistic faith, provide comprehensive guidance for all of humanity, and address deviations that had occurred in previous scriptures.

7. What is the Quran?

The Quran is the final revelation from Allah, given to Prophet Muhammad, serving as a complete and preserved guide for humanity.

8. How does the Quran differ from previous scriptures?

The Quran is considered the final and most comprehensive revelation, which corrects and completes the messages of previous scriptures.

9. Why is the Quran protected by Allah?

Allah promised to protect the Quran from corruption to ensure that its guidance remains pure and unaltered for all time.

10. What is Tawheed?

Tawheed is the concept of the oneness of Allah, emphasizing that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.

11. What is Taqwa?

Taqwa is Allah-consciousness, living with piety, and constantly being aware of Allah’s presence in all aspects of life.

12. How did people ignore Tawheed and Taqwa in the past?

People ignored Tawheed and Taqwa by engaging in idolatry, moral corruption, and disregarding Allah’s commandments.

13. Why is Prophet Muhammad called the “Seal of the Prophets”?

Prophet Muhammad is called the “Seal of the Prophets” because he is the last prophet sent by Allah, and no prophets will come after him.

14. How did Aisha describe Prophet Muhammad’s character?

Aisha described Prophet Muhammad as the “walking Quran,” meaning he embodied the teachings and principles of the Quran in his daily life.

15. What does it mean that Prophet Muhammad was the “walking Quran”?

It means that his actions, behavior, and character were a perfect reflection of the Quran’s teachings.

16. Why is the preservation of the Quran important?

The preservation of the Quran is important to ensure that its teachings remain unchanged and continue to guide humanity correctly.

17. How were previous scriptures altered or corrupted?

Previous scriptures were altered or corrupted through human interference, translation errors, and deliberate changes over time.

18. How does the Quran address deviations in previous scriptures?

The Quran corrects deviations by reaffirming the true message of monotheism and providing clear and comprehensive guidance.

19. What is the significance of the finality of Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood?

The finality of Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood signifies the completion of Allah’s guidance and the end of the line of prophets.

20. How does the Quran guide Muslims in their daily lives?

The Quran provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of life, including worship, morality, social interactions, and legal matters.

21. Why is it essential to follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad?

Following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad is essential because he is the final messenger and his life exemplifies the perfect implementation of the Quran.

22. How do Muslims demonstrate Tawheed and Taqwa in their lives?

Muslims demonstrate Tawheed and Taqwa by worshiping Allah alone, following His commandments, and living righteously.

23. What is the role of the Quran in a Muslim’s faith?

The Quran is the ultimate source of guidance, shaping a Muslim’s beliefs, practices, and worldview.

24. Why did Allah emphasize the protection of the Quran?

Allah emphasized the protection of the Quran to ensure that its message remains intact and accessible to all generations.

25. How does the Quran complement the messages of previous prophets?

The Quran complements the messages of previous prophets by confirming their teachings, correcting deviations, and providing complete guidance for humanity.

In summary, Allah sent Prophet Muhammad and the Quran to restore and preserve the true monotheistic faith, correct deviations from previous scriptures, and provide comprehensive guidance for all of humanity. This ensures that the messages of Tawheed and Taqwa remain clear and accessible for everyone.

For more information visit or contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari.

1. Why is the concept of Allah being three contradictory to the idea of oneness? The concept of Allah being three contradicts the Islamic principle of Tawheed, which emphasizes that Allah is uniquely one and indivisible.

2. What is Tawheed? Tawheed is the Islamic belief in the absolute oneness of Allah, affirming that He is singular and has no partners, divisions, or equals.

3. How does the natural world reflect the principle of oneness? The natural world reflects the principle of oneness through its harmony and interconnectedness, with everything starting from a single point or entity, such as a single cell in living organisms.

4. What is the significance of a single cell in understanding oneness? A single cell is the basic unit of life, demonstrating how complex organisms and systems originate from a singular, unified source.

5. How do pairs, like eyes or fingers, still reflect oneness? Pairs, such as eyes or fingers, work together harmoniously as part of a single body, reflecting the unity and coherence of Allah’s creation.

6. How does the oneness of the ocean symbolize Tawheed? The ocean, despite its vastness and diversity, is a single, interconnected body of water, symbolizing the unity and singularity of Allah.

7. What does the Quran say about the oneness of Allah? The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that Allah is one, unique, and has no partners or equals, as highlighted in Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112).

8. What does Surah Al-Ikhlas teach about Allah’s nature? Surah Al-Ikhlas teaches that Allah is uniquely one (Ahad), self-sufficient (As-Samad), and incomparable, with no offspring or parents.

9. Why is the idea of Allah being three incompatible with Islamic teachings? The idea of Allah being three is incompatible with Islamic teachings because it contradicts the core belief in Tawheed, the oneness and indivisibility of Allah.

10. How does the unity of the universe reflect the oneness of Allah? The unity and order of the universe, governed by consistent laws and principles, reflect the oneness and singular control of Allah over all creation.

11. Why do Muslims reject the concept of the Trinity? Muslims reject the concept of the Trinity because it implies division within the divine nature, which contradicts the belief in Allah’s absolute oneness.

12. How does the Quran address the idea of Allah having partners or equals? The Quran explicitly rejects the idea of Allah having partners, associates, or equals, emphasizing His unique and unparalleled nature.

13. What does the phrase “He neither begets nor is born” signify? This phrase signifies that Allah has no children, parents, or lineage, underscoring His uniqueness and independence from all creation.

14. How does the singular origin of human beings support the concept of oneness? Human beings originate from a single cell, demonstrating how complex life forms begin from a unified, singular point, reflecting the principle of oneness.

15. What role does monotheism play in Islamic worship? Monotheism, or the belief in the oneness of Allah, is central to Islamic worship, guiding Muslims to direct all acts of devotion solely to Allah.

16. How does the oneness of Allah affect a Muslim’s daily life? The oneness of Allah shapes a Muslim’s daily life by fostering a sense of unity, purpose, and adherence to the divine will in all actions and decisions.

17. What is the significance of rejecting idolatry in Islam? Rejecting idolatry is crucial in Islam as it reinforces the belief in the oneness of Allah and prevents the worship of false deities or associating partners with Him.

18. How do Muslims demonstrate their belief in the oneness of Allah? Muslims demonstrate their belief in the oneness of Allah through acts of worship, following His commandments, and upholding the principles of monotheism in their lives.

19. How does the concept of Tawheed enhance a Muslim’s understanding of the universe? The concept of Tawheed enhances a Muslim’s understanding of the universe by recognizing the unity and coherence of creation as a reflection of Allah’s singularity and wisdom.

20. Why is the preservation of Tawheed important in Islam? The preservation of Tawheed is important in Islam to maintain the purity of faith and ensure that worship and devotion are directed solely to Allah.

21. How does the Quran guide Muslims in understanding the oneness of Allah? The Quran guides Muslims in understanding the oneness of Allah by providing clear and unequivocal verses that affirm His uniqueness and reject any form of polytheism.

22. What is the impact of believing in the oneness of Allah on a Muslim’s character? Believing in the oneness of Allah impacts a Muslim’s character by fostering humility, sincerity, and a strong sense of accountability to the Creator.

23. How does the unity of the Muslim community reflect the concept of Tawheed? The unity of the Muslim community reflects the concept of Tawheed by emphasizing solidarity, cooperation, and a collective commitment to worshiping Allah alone.

24. Why is it essential to understand and affirm the oneness of Allah in Islam? It is essential to understand and affirm the oneness of Allah in Islam to ensure correct belief, proper worship, and adherence to the true essence of the faith.

25. How can one deepen their understanding of Tawheed? One can deepen their understanding of Tawheed by studying the Quran, learning from authentic Islamic teachings, and reflecting on the signs of Allah’s oneness in creation.

In conclusion, the oneness of Allah is a fundamental principle in Islam, emphasizing that Allah is uniquely one, indivisible, and unparalleled. This belief is reflected in the natural world, the teachings of the Quran, and the daily practices of Muslims, ensuring a pure and correct faith that directs all worship and devotion solely to Allah.

1. Did Jesus have any statues or objects he used for prayer? No, Jesus did not use any statues or objects for prayer. He worshipped Allah directly without intermediaries.

2. How did Jesus worship according to Islamic teachings? According to Islamic teachings, Jesus worshipped Allah through prayer, supplication, and acts of devotion similar to those of Muslims.

3. Did Jesus perform his miracles by his own power? No, Jesus performed miracles by the permission and power of Allah to demonstrate his prophethood and Allah’s greatness.

4. What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles? The purpose of Jesus’ miracles was to show that he was a true prophet and to confirm his message from Allah.

5. How does the Quran describe Jesus’ miracles? The Quran describes Jesus’ miracles as acts done by Allah’s permission, such as healing the blind, curing lepers, and raising the dead (Quran 5:110).

6. Did Jesus’ prayer resemble Muslim prayer? Yes, Islamic tradition holds that Jesus’ prayer resembled Muslim prayer, including bowing, prostration, and submission to Allah.

7. What evidence is there that Jesus prayed like Muslims? The Bible mentions that Jesus fell on his face and prayed, which is similar to the Muslim practice of prostration in prayer (Matthew 26:39).

8. Did Jesus promote the worship of one God? Yes, Jesus promoted the worship of one God, Allah, emphasizing monotheism throughout his teachings.

9. How does the Quran refer to Jesus’ worship? The Quran refers to Jesus as a devoted servant and worshiper of Allah, emphasizing his role as a prophet (Quran 19:30).

10. Did Jesus ever claim divinity according to Islamic teachings? No, according to Islamic teachings, Jesus never claimed divinity. He always affirmed that he was a servant and messenger of Allah.

11. What was Jesus’ main message? Jesus’ main message was to call people to worship Allah alone and to live righteous lives according to Allah’s guidance.

12. How did Jesus’ disciples pray? Jesus’ disciples likely prayed in a manner similar to him, following his example of devotion and submission to Allah.

13. What role did supplication play in Jesus’ worship? Supplication was a key part of Jesus’ worship, as he often prayed to Allah for help, guidance, and support.

14. How does Islamic prayer reflect Jesus’ prayer? Islamic prayer reflects Jesus’ prayer through acts of bowing, prostration, and direct supplication to Allah.

15. Did Jesus use any intermediaries in his worship? No, Jesus did not use intermediaries in his worship. He prayed directly to Allah.

16. How does Jesus’ worship align with the concept of Tawheed? Jesus’ worship aligns with Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) by emphasizing direct worship of Allah without partners or intermediaries.

17. Did Jesus teach his followers to pray like him? Yes, Jesus taught his followers to pray with sincerity and direct devotion to Allah.

18. What is the significance of Jesus praying in solitude? Praying in solitude signifies Jesus’ personal devotion and direct communication with Allah, a practice also emphasized in Islam.

19. How do Jesus’ prayers demonstrate his humanity? Jesus’ prayers demonstrate his humanity by showing his need for divine guidance, support, and strength from Allah.

20. What was Jesus’ attitude towards prayer? Jesus’ attitude towards prayer was one of humility, sincerity, and complete submission to Allah.

21. How does the Quran honor Jesus’ worship? The Quran honors Jesus’ worship by describing him as a devout servant who called others to the worship of Allah alone.

22. How does understanding Jesus’ prayer practices enhance Islamic faith? Understanding Jesus’ prayer practices enhances Islamic faith by highlighting the continuity of monotheistic worship and the prophetic tradition.

23. Did Jesus’ miracles affirm his prophethood? Yes, Jesus’ miracles affirmed his prophethood and were signs from Allah to validate his message.

24. How does Jesus’ way of prayer differ from modern Christian practices? Jesus’ way of prayer, involving prostration and direct supplication, differs from many modern Christian practices which may involve different rituals and forms of worship.

25. What can Muslims learn from Jesus’ prayer and worship? Muslims can learn the importance of sincerity, humility, and direct devotion to Allah from Jesus’ prayer and worship practices.

In conclusion, Jesus is revered in Islam as a prophet who worshipped Allah with devotion and sincerity, similar to how Muslims pray. His miracles were performed by Allah’s permission to demonstrate his prophethood. Understanding Jesus’ prayer practices underscores the continuity of monotheistic worship and the central role of Tawheed in Islam.

1. What is the significance of the cross in Christianity? In Christianity, the cross is a symbol of Jesus’ crucifixion and his sacrificial death for humanity’s sins.

2. How do Christians view the crucifixion of Jesus? Christians believe that Jesus was crucified, suffered, and died on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity.

3. Why do Muslims question the power of the cross? Muslims question the power of the cross because it did not save Jesus from torture and death, raising doubts about its ability to save others.

4. How do Muslims view the crucifixion of Jesus? Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but was instead raised to heaven by Allah, as stated in the Quran (Quran 4:157-158).

5. What does the Quran say about Jesus’ crucifixion? The Quran states that Jesus was not killed or crucified, but it appeared so to the people, and Allah raised him up to Himself.

6. Why is the cross seen as contradictory in terms of salvation? The cross is seen as contradictory because, if it could not save Jesus from suffering, it raises questions about its efficacy in saving others.

7. What do Muslims believe about idols and objects of worship? Muslims believe that idols and objects of worship, like the cross, are human-made and cannot provide divine assistance or salvation.

8. How does Islam view the creation of religious symbols for business? Islam views the creation of religious symbols for business as a form of exploitation, diverting people from true worship of Allah.

9. Why should those who love Jesus reject the cross? Those who love Jesus should reject the cross because it symbolizes his suffering and death, which contradicts the belief in his ascension and protection by Allah.

10. What does Islam teach about the worship of objects? Islam teaches that worship should be directed to Allah alone, without intermediaries or physical objects, as stated in the principle of Tawheed.

11. How does Allah fulfill human needs according to Islam? Allah fulfills human needs directly and unconditionally, regardless of whether a person asks for help from any other being or object.

12. Why do Muslims emphasize direct worship of Allah? Muslims emphasize direct worship of Allah to maintain the purity of faith and avoid associating partners or intermediaries with Him.

13. What is the Islamic perspective on the use of statues and icons in worship? Islam prohibits the use of statues and icons in worship, considering them as forms of shirk (associating partners with Allah).

14. How does the Quran address the issue of relying on created objects? The Quran addresses this by stating that reliance should be on Allah alone, who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things (Quran 112:1-4).

15. What lesson can be learned from Jesus’ experience according to Islam? The lesson is that reliance should be on Allah alone, and not on human-made symbols or objects, as true salvation comes from Allah.

16. How do Muslims show their love and respect for Jesus? Muslims show their love and respect for Jesus by acknowledging him as a revered prophet and following his teachings of monotheism.

17. What does Islam teach about the power of Allah in comparison to objects? Islam teaches that Allah’s power is absolute and incomparable to any object or creation, which cannot provide any benefit or harm independently.

18. Why is it important to avoid associating partners with Allah? It is important to avoid associating partners with Allah to uphold the principle of Tawheed and ensure that worship is directed solely to Him.

19. How do Muslims view the role of Jesus in the end times? Muslims believe that Jesus will return before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and reaffirm the worship of Allah alone.

20. What message did Jesus convey according to Islamic teachings? According to Islamic teachings, Jesus conveyed the message of monotheism, calling people to worship Allah alone and live righteously.

21. How does the belief in Jesus’ return align with Islamic teachings? The belief in Jesus’ return aligns with Islamic teachings by emphasizing his role in re-establishing Tawheed and guiding people back to the true faith.

22. How should people respond to the creation of religious symbols for profit? People should respond by focusing on sincere worship of Allah and rejecting the commercialization of religious symbols.

23. What is the Quranic perspective on seeking help from Allah? The Quran encourages seeking help from Allah directly, as He is the ultimate source of all assistance and support (Quran 1:5).

24. How does understanding Tawheed help in rejecting idolatry? Understanding Tawheed helps in rejecting idolatry by emphasizing the oneness of Allah and the importance of directing all acts of worship solely to Him.

25. What is the ultimate message of Islam regarding salvation and worship? The ultimate message of Islam regarding salvation and worship is that true salvation comes from Allah alone, and worship should be directed solely to Him without intermediaries or physical objects.

In conclusion, Islam emphasizes the oneness of Allah and the importance of direct worship without reliance on human-made symbols like the cross. Jesus, a revered prophet in Islam, demonstrated the importance of worshiping Allah alone. The Quran reinforces this by rejecting the divinity of objects and emphasizing Allah’s unparalleled power and mercy. Understanding these principles helps maintain the purity of faith and directs believers to seek salvation and support directly from Allah.

1. Who was the first prophet in Islam? Adam is considered the first prophet in Islam.

2. What was the primary message of all the prophets? The primary message of all the prophets was Tawheed, the oneness of Allah, and the importance of submitting to Him.

3. Who were some of the key prophets in Islam? Key prophets include Adam, Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Isaac (Ishaq), Jacob (Yaqub), Joseph (Yusuf), David (Dawud), Solomon (Sulaiman), Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa), and Muhammad (PBUH).

4. What does “Mohie Ad” mean in the context of the prophets’ mission? “Mohie Ad” refers to the revival and propagation of the monotheistic message.

5. What is the significance of Dawa (Da’wah) in Islam? Dawa (Da’wah) is the act of inviting others to Islam and spreading the message of Allah.

6. What is the Torah in Islamic belief? The Torah is considered a holy book revealed to Prophet Moses (Musa).

7. What is the Bible in Islamic belief? The Bible, specifically the Injeel (Gospel), is considered the holy book revealed to Prophet Jesus (Isa).

8. What is the Quran in Islamic belief? The Quran is the final holy book revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), completing the divine revelations.

9. Were the prophets Muslims? Yes, all prophets are considered Muslims in the sense that they submitted to the will of Allah.

10. What is the meaning of Islam? Islam means “submission” or “surrender” to the will of Allah.

11. How do the prophets’ messages relate to Islam? The prophets’ messages were all aligned with the principles of Islam: belief in one God, righteousness, and submission to Allah.

12. What is the connection between Prophet Muhammad and the previous prophets? Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet in the line of messengers, confirming and completing the messages of the previous prophets.

13. Why are all prophets considered to have preached Islam? All prophets preached the oneness of Allah and submission to His will, which are the core tenets of Islam.

14. How does the Quran view the previous scriptures like the Torah and the Bible? The Quran views the Torah and the Bible as previous revelations from Allah, but it also states that they have been altered over time.

15. What does the Quran say about the preservation of its text? The Quran states that it is protected by Allah from any alteration (Quran 15:9).

16. How do Muslims view the teachings of Jesus? Muslims view Jesus as a prophet who preached monotheism and submission to Allah, not as divine.

17. What role did Moses play in the message of Islam? Moses (Musa) was a key prophet who delivered the Torah and led the Israelites, emphasizing the worship of one God.

18. How does Prophet Abraham fit into the Islamic narrative? Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) is considered a patriarch of Islam, known for his unwavering faith in Allah and his role in building the Kaaba.

19. Why is Prophet Muhammad considered the “Seal of the Prophets”? Prophet Muhammad is considered the “Seal of the Prophets” because he is the final prophet sent by Allah, with no prophets to follow.

20. What is the significance of Prophet Joseph in Islam? Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) is significant for his story of patience, faith, and forgiveness, as detailed in Surah Yusuf.

21. How do Muslims view the miracles of Jesus? Muslims believe that the miracles of Jesus were performed by the permission and power of Allah to support his prophethood.

22. What is the importance of Prophet Solomon in Islamic teachings? Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman) is important for his wisdom, justice, and the ability to communicate with animals and jinn, given by Allah.

23. How is Prophet David remembered in Islam? Prophet David (Dawud) is remembered for his piety, leadership, and the Psalms (Zabur) he received from Allah.

24. What is the role of Prophet Noah in Islam? Prophet Noah (Nuh) is known for his perseverance in preaching monotheism and building the ark to save the believers from the flood.

25. How do Muslims honor all the prophets? Muslims honor all the prophets by believing in their messages, following their teachings, and invoking peace and blessings upon them.

In conclusion, the consistent message of monotheism and submission to Allah delivered by all the prophets underscores the unified religious framework of Islam. From Adam to Muhammad (PBUH), the teachings of these prophets emphasize the oneness of Allah, righteousness, and the importance of following divine guidance. Islam views all these prophets as integral parts of a single, continuous message that culminates in the Quran and the final prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH).

Quran Chapter 18, Verse 110 (Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 110) is a profound reminder about the exclusivity of worship to Allah and its consequences for those who associate partners with Him.

  1. Verse Explanation: The verse states, “Say, ‘I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone.'”

  2. Acknowledging Human Limitations: Here, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is instructed to remind people of his humanity and the oneness of Allah, emphasizing that he is merely a mortal messenger.

  3. Monotheistic Message: The verse underscores the monotheistic message conveyed by all prophets, stressing the belief in one God without associating partners with Him.

  4. Call to Righteous Deeds: It calls believers to engage in righteous deeds as a means of seeking the pleasure of Allah and preparing for the meeting with Him.

  5. Prohibition of Shirk: The verse explicitly prohibits associating partners with Allah in worship, highlighting the gravity of this sin.

  6. Exclusive Worship of Allah: It emphasizes that worship should be directed solely to Allah, without any intermediaries or associates, including prophets like Muhammad or Jesus.

  7. Consequences of Shirk: Associating partners with Allah in worship leads to severe consequences, including permanent residence in Hellfire.

  8. Warning Against Idolatry: The verse serves as a stern warning against idolatry, polytheism, and the deification of prophets or any other beings besides Allah.

  9. Rejecting Intermediaries: It rejects the notion of needing intermediaries or intercessors in worship, affirming direct connection and devotion to Allah.

  10. Exclusive Divine Rights: Allah’s exclusive right to worship is reiterated, emphasizing His absolute sovereignty and uniqueness.

  11. Reminding Prophet Muhammad’s Humanity: By stating “I am only a man like you,” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reminded to avoid any deification or excessive reverence directed towards him.

  12. Encouragement to Righteousness: The verse encourages believers to focus on righteous deeds and obedience to Allah, rather than deviating into idolatry or polytheism.

  13. Importance of Tawheed: Tawheed (the belief in the oneness of Allah) is highlighted as the foundational principle of faith, guiding all aspects of worship and devotion.

  14. Universal Message: The verse’s message applies universally to all believers, regardless of their background or religious affiliation.

  15. Prophets as Role Models: While prophets like Muhammad and Jesus serve as exemplary role models, they are not objects of worship but rather guides to Allah’s path.

  16. Condemnation of Polytheism: Polytheism is strongly condemned, emphasizing the severe consequences it entails in the Hereafter.

  17. Maintaining Purity of Faith: The verse emphasizes the importance of maintaining the purity of faith by avoiding any form of shirk or association of partners with Allah.

  18. Clarification of Prophet’s Status: Prophet Muhammad’s status as a human messenger of Allah is clarified, ensuring that his message is not distorted or misinterpreted.

  19. Respecting Prophet’s Humanity: By acknowledging his humanity, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) status is kept in perspective, preventing undue glorification or deification.

  20. Core Message of Islam: The verse reiterates the core message of Islam: the worship of one God, submission to His will, and adherence to righteous deeds.

  21. Stressing Accountability: It stresses individual accountability before Allah, reminding believers of the consequences of their actions in the Hereafter.

  22. Rejecting Polytheistic Practices: Polytheistic practices, including the worship of multiple gods or idols, are unequivocally rejected in Islam.

  23. Emphasis on Sincerity: Sincerity in worship and devotion to Allah is emphasized, highlighting the importance of pure intention in all actions.

  24. Seeking Forgiveness: Believers are encouraged to seek forgiveness for any past transgressions and to repent sincerely from any form of shirk or idolatry.

  25. Hope in Allah’s Mercy: Despite the severity of the warning against shirk, believers are reminded of Allah’s infinite mercy and forgiveness for those who turn to Him in repentance and obedience.

In essence, Quran 18:110 underscores the fundamental principle of Tawheed and the exclusivity of worship to Allah, while warning against the grave sin of associating partners with Him. It serves as a timeless reminder of the essence of true faith and the consequences of deviating from it.

  1. Why does Islam reject the Trinity?

    • Islam teaches the oneness of Allah, who is indivisible and has no partners or equals. The concept of the Trinity contradicts the core Islamic belief in Tawhid (the oneness of God).
  2. How is Allah’s oneness described in the Quran?

    • The Quran describes Allah’s oneness in Surah Al-Ikhlas (112:1-4), stating that He is eternal, absolute, and unlike any of His creation.
  3. Why is the egg analogy (shell, white, yolk) insufficient to describe Allah?

    • The egg analogy suggests that God can be divided into parts, which contradicts the Islamic belief that Allah is indivisible and singular.
  4. What is the significance of Surah Al-Ikhlas in understanding Allah’s nature?

    • Surah Al-Ikhlas emphasizes that Allah is one, eternal, and unique, with no equals or partners.
  5. How does Islam view Jesus (Isa) and his role?

    • Islam acknowledges Jesus (Isa) as a prophet and messenger of Allah, not as part of a divine trinity.
  6. How can Allah be understood through scientific inquiry?

    • Scientific inquiry reveals the intricate design and order of the universe, pointing to the wisdom and power of its Creator, Allah.
  7. What does the Quran say about the creation of the universe?

    • The Quran mentions in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:30) that the heavens and the earth were once joined together and then separated, aligning with modern cosmological theories.
  8. How does the study of biology reflect Allah’s design?

    • The complexity and interdependence of living organisms demonstrate the meticulous design and wisdom of Allah.
  9. What is the significance of water in the Quran?

    • Water is described as the source of all life in the Quran (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:30), highlighting its essential role in sustaining life.
  10. How do the laws of physics demonstrate Allah’s control?

    • The precise and consistent laws of physics reflect Allah’s order and control over the universe.
  11. What is the role of photosynthesis in Allah’s creation?

    • Photosynthesis, which produces oxygen and sustains plant life, is a process designed by Allah to maintain the balance of life on earth.
  12. How does the Quran describe human development?

    • The Quran details stages of human embryonic development (Surah Al-Mu’minun, 23:12-14), which align with modern embryology.
  13. What is the significance of the balance in nature?

    • The balance in nature (Surah Ar-Rahman, 55:7-9) reflects Allah’s precise and harmonious design of the universe.
  14. How does the study of astronomy enhance our understanding of Allah?

    • The vastness and complexity of the cosmos, governed by precise laws, highlight the greatness and power of Allah.
  15. What is the purpose of the sun and moon according to the Quran?

    • The sun and moon are described as signs of Allah’s control over time and the universe (Surah Yunus, 10:5).
  16. How does the Quran describe the alternation of day and night?

    • The alternation of day and night is a sign of Allah’s power and mercy (Surah Al-Imran, 3:190).
  17. What does the Quran say about mountains?

    • Mountains are described as stabilizers for the earth (Surah An-Naba, 78:6-7), reflecting Allah’s wisdom in creation.
  18. How does the diversity of life reflect Allah’s creativity?

    • The diversity of life forms, each adapted to its environment, showcases Allah’s creativity and power.
  19. What is the importance of the heart in the Quran?

    • The heart is often mentioned as the seat of understanding and faith (Surah Al-Hajj, 22:46), signifying its spiritual and physical importance.
  20. How does the Quran describe the creation of the heavens and the earth?

    • The heavens and the earth were created with purpose and order (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:16), reflecting Allah’s deliberate design.
  21. What does the Quran say about the expansion of the universe?

    • The Quran mentions the expansion of the universe (Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:47), which aligns with modern scientific discoveries.
  22. How does Allah’s provision sustain life on earth?

    • Allah provides sustenance for all living creatures (Surah Hud, 11:6), ensuring the continuity of life.
  23. What is the significance of the human soul in Islam?

    • The human soul is a divine creation that reflects Allah’s breath of life (Surah Sad, 38:72).
  24. How does the Quran describe the precision of creation?

    • The precision and measure of all things are emphasized (Surah Al-Qamar, 54:49), showing Allah’s meticulous planning.
  25. Why should believers strive to understand Allah through science and revelation?

    • Understanding Allah through both science and revelation strengthens faith, deepens appreciation for His creation, and fulfills the Quranic call to seek knowledge.


The study of the natural world through scientific inquiry, alongside the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), enriches our understanding of Allah’s greatness and wisdom. While the Trinity is a concept that Islam rejects, the oneness of Allah is fundamental, affirming His unique and unparalleled nature. The harmonious functioning of the universe, even during historical events like the crucifixion of Jesus (as believed in Christianity), further underscores the continuous and unwavering governance of Allah. By exploring the attributes of Allah and the signs within His creation, we can appreciate the profound interconnectedness of faith and science, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of our Creator.

  1. What is the concept of Tawhid in Islam?
    • Tawhid is the fundamental concept of monotheism in Islam, emphasizing the oneness of Allah.
  2. How does Islam view the Trinity?
    • Islam rejects the Trinity, affirming that Allah is one and indivisible, with no partners or equals.
  3. What is the significance of Surah Al-Ikhlas in understanding Allah’s oneness?
    • Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) succinctly states Allah’s oneness, affirming that He is eternal, absolute, and unique.
  4. How does the Quran describe Allah’s attributes?
    • The Quran describes Allah with 99 beautiful names (Asma ul-Husna), each reflecting a unique attribute of His perfection.
  5. What does Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful) signify?
    • Al-Rahman signifies Allah’s all-encompassing mercy towards all creation.
  6. What does Al-Rahim (The Most Compassionate) signify?
    • Al-Rahim signifies Allah’s specific mercy towards the believers.
  7. How does Al-Malik (The King) reflect Allah’s sovereignty?
    • Al-Malik reflects Allah’s absolute authority and dominion over the universe.
  8. What is the meaning of Al-Quddus (The Pure)?
    • Al-Quddus signifies that Allah is free from any imperfection or defect.
  9. What does Al-Salam (The Source of Peace) convey?
    • Al-Salam conveys that Allah is the source of all peace and security.
  10. What does Al-Mu’min (The Guardian of Faith) denote?
    • Al-Mu’min denotes Allah as the giver of faith and the protector of the faithful.
  11. How does Al-Aziz (The Almighty) portray Allah’s power?
    • Al-Aziz portrays Allah’s supreme strength and authority, unmatched by any.
  12. What is the significance of Al-Jabbar (The Compeller)?
    • Al-Jabbar signifies Allah’s ability to enforce His will and overpower anything.
  13. What does Al-Mutakabbir (The Supreme) reflect?
    • Al-Mutakabbir reflects Allah’s greatness and majesty beyond human comprehension.
  14. What does Al-Khaliq (The Creator) mean?
    • Al-Khaliq means that Allah is the originator of everything in existence.
  15. What is the meaning of Al-Bari (The Evolver)?
    • Al-Bari means Allah is the one who brings about creation in perfect harmony.
  16. How does Al-Musawwir (The Shaper) describe Allah’s creative power?
    • Al-Musawwir describes Allah’s ability to shape and design His creation uniquely.
  17. What does Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving) convey?
    • Al-Ghaffar conveys Allah’s infinite capacity to forgive sins.
  18. What is the significance of Al-Qahhar (The Subduer)?
    • Al-Qahhar signifies Allah’s overwhelming power to subdue all things.
  19. How does Al-Wahhab (The Bestower) reflect Allah’s generosity?
    • Al-Wahhab reflects Allah’s boundless generosity in bestowing blessings upon His creation.
  20. What does Al-Razzaq (The Provider) denote?
    • Al-Razzaq denotes Allah as the sustainer who provides for all His creation.
  21. What is the meaning of Al-Fattah (The Opener)?
    • Al-Fattah means Allah is the one who opens the doors of mercy, provision, and guidance.
  22. How does Al-Alim (The All-Knowing) portray Allah’s knowledge?
    • Al-Alim portrays Allah’s comprehensive and absolute knowledge of all things.
  23. What does Al-Qabid (The Withholder) and Al-Basit (The Extender) signify?
    • Al-Qabid and Al-Basit signify Allah’s control over constriction and expansion of sustenance and mercy.
  24. What is the significance of Al-Khafid (The Abaser) and Al-Rafi (The Exalter)?
    • Al-Khafid and Al-Rafi signify Allah’s authority to humble or elevate whomever He wills.
  25. How does Al-Adl (The Just) reflect Allah’s fairness?
    • Al-Adl reflects Allah’s perfect justice in all His decisions and actions.


Islam teaches that Allah is one and unparalleled, possessing perfect attributes that underscore His supremacy and majesty. The understanding of Allah’s attributes deepens our faith and appreciation of His wisdom and mercy, guiding us to live in accordance with His will. The concept of the Trinity, as found in Christianity, is rejected in Islam, which emphasizes the oneness of Allah as fundamental to belief. The universe and all within it continue to exist and function through Allah’s will and command, affirming His role as the sustainer and provider for all creation.

  1. Who is Allah?

    • Allah is the one true God in Islam, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, eternal and without partners.
  2. What does it mean that Allah is eternal?

    • Allah has no beginning and no end, existing outside the constraints of time and space (Surah Al-Ikhlas, 112:1-4).
  3. How does the Quran describe Allah’s omnipotence?

    • The Quran describes Allah as all-powerful, with absolute control over everything in the heavens and the earth (Surah Al-Mulk, 67:1-2).
  4. Why is the concept of the Trinity rejected in Islam?

    • The Trinity is rejected because it implies division in the divine nature, contradicting the Islamic teaching of Allah’s absolute oneness (Surah An-Nisa, 4:171).
  5. How is Allah’s uniqueness emphasized in Islam?

    • Allah’s uniqueness is emphasized by His incomparable attributes, which are beyond human understanding and representation (Surah Ash-Shura, 42:11).
  6. What is Tawhid?

    • Tawhid is the concept of monotheism in Islam, asserting that Allah is one and indivisible.
  7. How does the Quran address Jesus (Isa)?

    • Jesus is regarded as a prophet and servant of Allah, not as divine or part of a trinity (Surah Maryam, 19:30-35).
  8. What is the Islamic view of the crucifixion?

    • Islam teaches that Jesus was not crucified but was raised up by Allah, and it appeared to people as if he was crucified (Surah An-Nisa, 4:157-158).
  9. How does Allah sustain the universe?

    • Allah continuously maintains and governs all aspects of the universe through His will and power (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255).
  10. How does the Quran describe Allah’s knowledge?

    • Allah’s knowledge encompasses all things, seen and unseen, past, present, and future (Surah Al-An’am, 6:59).
  11. Why is it impossible for Allah to be weak?

    • Allah’s omnipotence means He cannot be weak or suffer; He is perfect in strength and power (Surah Al-Ikhlas, 112:2).
  12. Who was taking care of the universe during Jesus’ crucifixion according to Islamic belief?

    • According to Islam, Allah is always in control and does not require intermediaries to manage the universe (Surah Al-An’am, 6:102).
  13. What does it mean that Allah is Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living)?

    • Al-Hayy means that Allah is eternally living, never experiencing death or decay (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255).
  14. How does the Quran emphasize Allah’s role as the sole Creator?

    • The Quran repeatedly states that Allah alone created the heavens and the earth and everything within them (Surah Al-Furqan, 25:59).
  15. What is the significance of Allah being Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer)?

    • Al-Qayyum signifies that Allah sustains and maintains all creation without any need for assistance (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255).
  16. How is Allah’s mercy described in the Quran?

    • Allah’s mercy is all-encompassing, extending to all His creation, and He is often described as Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Ar-Rahim (The Most Compassionate) (Surah Al-A’raf, 7:156).
  17. What does it mean that Allah is Al-Ahad (The One)?

    • Al-Ahad underscores Allah’s absolute oneness and indivisibility (Surah Al-Ikhlas, 112:1).
  18. How is Allah’s justice portrayed in the Quran?

    • Allah is described as Al-Adl (The Just), ensuring that everyone receives what they deserve based on their actions (Surah An-Nisa, 4:40).
  19. What does it mean that Allah is Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving)?

    • Al-Ghaffar means that Allah is always ready to forgive those who repent and seek His forgiveness (Surah Ta-Ha, 20:82).
  20. How does Allah’s creation reflect His attributes?

    • The diversity and complexity of creation reflect Allah’s wisdom, power, and knowledge (Surah Al-Mulk, 67:3-4).
  21. What is the importance of Allah being Al-Razzaq (The Provider)?

    • Al-Razzaq signifies that Allah provides sustenance to all His creation, ensuring their needs are met (Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58).
  22. How does the Quran illustrate Allah’s omnipresence?

    • Allah’s omnipresence is illustrated by His nearness to His creation, closer than their jugular vein (Surah Qaf, 50:16).
  23. How does understanding Allah’s attributes strengthen faith?

    • Understanding Allah’s attributes helps believers appreciate His greatness, fostering deeper faith and trust in Him.
  24. Why is it important to acknowledge Allah’s role in our lives?

    • Acknowledging Allah’s role as the Creator and Sustainer reinforces our dependence on Him and encourages gratitude and humility.
  25. What is the impact of denying Allah’s attributes?

    • Denying Allah’s attributes leads to a flawed understanding of the universe and our place in it, ultimately resulting in spiritual and moral loss.


The concept of the Trinity and the divine nature of Jesus presents theological challenges that contrast sharply with the Islamic belief in the absolute oneness and indivisibility of Allah. Islam emphasizes that Allah is eternal, omnipotent, and self-sustaining, without any need for partners or intermediaries. Understanding Allah’s attributes through the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) deepens our appreciation of His majesty and fosters a stronger, more coherent faith.

1. Q: What does it mean to sacrifice one’s life and death for Allah?

A: Sacrificing one’s life and death for Allah means dedicating all actions, intentions, and focus to pleasing and worshipping Allah, living a life of piety and devotion.

2. Q: How does prayer reflect total devotion to Allah?

A: Prayer reflects total devotion by prioritizing worship and connection with Allah above all worldly matters, seeking spiritual fulfillment and guidance.

3. Q: What was the focus of the prophets, including Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them)?

A: The prophets focused on complete devotion and submission to Allah, guiding humanity towards monotheism, moral conduct, and spiritual awareness.

4. Q: Why is worldly gain considered a distraction for Muslims?

A: Worldly gain can divert attention from spiritual goals and obedience to Allah, leading to materialism and neglect of religious duties.

5. Q: What did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teach about focusing on the Hereafter?

A: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that true success lies in the Hereafter, urging believers to live righteously and prioritize eternal rewards over temporary worldly pleasures.

6. Q: How does living a life devoted to Allah impact a Muslim’s daily actions?

A: A life devoted to Allah influences a Muslim to act ethically, seek spiritual growth, and perform good deeds, aligning daily actions with Islamic principles.

7. Q: What is the significance of intention (niyyah) in a Muslim’s life?

A: Intention (niyyah) is crucial as it determines the sincerity and purpose behind actions, ensuring that they are performed for Allah’s sake rather than for personal gain.

8. Q: How can Muslims maintain focus on Allah in a materialistic world?

A: Muslims can maintain focus by regularly engaging in prayer, reading Quran, seeking knowledge, and surrounding themselves with a supportive, faith-driven community.

9. Q: What role do hardships play in a Muslim’s devotion to Allah?

A: Hardships test a Muslim’s faith and patience, providing opportunities for spiritual growth, reliance on Allah, and increased devotion.

10. Q: How did the prophets exemplify living for the Hereafter?

A: The prophets lived modestly, prioritized worship and obedience to Allah, and dedicated their lives to spreading His message, showing an unwavering focus on the Hereafter.

11. Q: What is the Quranic perspective on luxury and material wealth?

A: The Quran warns against excessive attachment to luxury and material wealth, emphasizing that true success is achieved through piety and good deeds.

12. Q: How can Muslims balance worldly responsibilities with spiritual devotion?

A: Muslims can balance by integrating faith into daily routines, making ethical choices, and ensuring that their actions align with Islamic teachings while fulfilling their worldly duties.

13. Q: What does it mean to have total suffering for those focused on worldly gain?

A: Total suffering refers to the consequences of neglecting spiritual obligations and seeking only material success, leading to spiritual emptiness and potential punishment in the Hereafter.

14. Q: How did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) live a life of modesty and simplicity?

A: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived humbly, often sharing his possessions, emphasizing charity, and teaching that wealth should be used for the benefit of others and in service to Allah.

15. Q: What is the importance of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in maintaining focus on Allah?

A: Dhikr keeps Allah present in a Muslim’s thoughts, strengthens their faith, and helps them stay focused on their spiritual goals amidst worldly distractions.

16. Q: How can Muslims emulate the devotion of the prophets in their lives?

A: Muslims can emulate the prophets by studying their lives, following their teachings, prioritizing worship, and seeking to embody their virtues of patience, humility, and unwavering faith.

17. Q: What did Jesus (peace be upon him) teach about spiritual versus material wealth?

A: Jesus (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of spiritual wealth, urging his followers to seek the kingdom of God and righteousness over material possessions.

18. Q: How does living for Allah affect a Muslim’s perspective on success?

A: Living for Allah shifts a Muslim’s perspective on success from material achievements to spiritual fulfillment, righteous deeds, and attaining Allah’s pleasure.

19. Q: What are the consequences of neglecting religious duties for worldly gains?

A: Neglecting religious duties can lead to spiritual deterioration, loss of divine blessings, and adverse consequences in the Hereafter.

20. Q: How did Moses (peace be upon him) demonstrate complete reliance on Allah?

A: Moses (peace be upon him) demonstrated reliance on Allah through his unwavering trust in divine guidance, perseverance through trials, and dedication to leading his people towards monotheism.

21. Q: Why is it important for Muslims to prioritize their relationship with Allah over material pursuits?

A: Prioritizing their relationship with Allah ensures that Muslims live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and spiritual peace, aligned with divine guidance and eternal rewards.

22. Q: How can Muslims avoid the trap of luxury and materialism?

A: Muslims can avoid this trap by practicing gratitude, contentment, regular charity, and keeping their focus on spiritual goals and the transient nature of worldly life.

23. Q: What did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) say about the dangers of wealth and luxury?

A: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned that excessive wealth and luxury could lead to arrogance, neglect of religious duties, and a false sense of security, distancing individuals from Allah.

24. Q: How does sincerity in worship reflect a Muslim’s devotion to Allah?

A: Sincerity in worship, where actions are performed solely for Allah’s pleasure, reflects true devotion, purity of faith, and alignment with divine will.

25. Q: What lessons can Muslims learn from the lives of the prophets regarding worldly and spiritual focus?

A: Muslims can learn to prioritize faith over materialism, practice humility, trust in Allah’s plan, and focus on the Hereafter by following the examples set by the prophets.

These questions and answers explore the importance of total devotion and focus on Allah, as exemplified by the prophets, and highlight the pitfalls of prioritizing worldly gains over spiritual fulfillment.


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