
Protect Your 6 Years old and Up from Atheism and Agnosticism - For Parents and Teachers


Who created everything in the world, or whatever exists in the universe, like the trees, the sun, stars, moon, and even us and whatever exists?

Allah created everything in the world and universe. He made the trees grow, the sun shine, the stars twinkle, and us too!

Can you make something out of playdough or blocks?

Yes, we can make things out of playdough or blocks, but Allah made everything in the world and universes out of nothing!

If someone asks, “Who made Allah?” what can we say?

Allah was not made by anyone because He is the One who made everything. He was always alive, eternal, and cannot die. No one can make Allah; He is special and unique.

What is Allah made of?

Allah is not made of anything because He is not like anything else. He is special and different from everything we know. No one can claim to be God except Allah.

Can we see Allah?

No, we can’t see Allah because He is so special and different from us. But we can feel His love and see His amazing creations all around us!

What are some things we can see that Allah made?

We can see the trees, the flowers, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the animals. Allah made all of these wonderful things!

If someone says, “Who made Allah?” what can we tell them?

We can tell them that Allah has always been alive and eternal. How can anyone be the Creator when we, or anything, totally depend on Allah?

Why do we believe in Allah even though we can’t see Him?

We believe in Allah because we can see all the amazing things He made. We can feel His love and see His signs all around us.

Can we touch Allah?

No, we can’t touch Allah because He is not like anything we can touch. But we can talk to Him and feel His presence in our hearts.

Through these simple questions and answers, children aged 6 and up can begin to understand the uniqueness and greatness of Allah, the Creator of all things in this world and universe. For more information and resources about Allah or Islam to strengthen your belief and understanding, visit QuranExplains.com.


Question: How did Allah create humans and creatures?

Answer: Allah created humans and creatures using His divine will and power.

Question: What are humans and creatures made of?

Answer: Humans and creatures are made of different things like flesh, water, blood, bones, and air.

Question: Who made the animals that we see around us?

Answer: Allah made all the animals that we see, from the tiniest insects to the largest elephants.

Question: How do animals move?

Answer: Animals move using their legs, wings, fins, or other body parts that Allah gave them.

Question: Why do animals need food?

 Answer: Animals need food to give them energy and to keep them healthy, just like how we need food.

Question: Why do animals have different colors and patterns?

Answer: Allah made animals with different colors and patterns to help them hide from enemies or to attract mates.

Question: How do birds fly in the sky?

Answer: Birds fly in the sky with their wings, which Allah designed to help them soar through the air.

Question: Why do fish live in the water?

Answer: Fish live in the water because Allah made them with gills, which help them breathe underwater.

Question: What do animals eat?

Answer: Animals eat different things like plants, other animals, insects, or even fruits and nuts.

Question: How do animals stay warm or cool?

Answer: Allah gave animals fur, feathers, or thick skin to help them stay warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.

Question: Why do animals live in different places?

Answer: Allah made animals to live in different places called habitats, where they can find food, water, and shelter.

Question: How do animals talk to each other?

Answer: Animals communicate with sounds, calls, or body language that Allah gave them to understand each other.

Question: Why do some animals sleep during the day and wake up at night?

Answer: Allah made some animals nocturnal, which means they are awake at night and sleep during the day, to help them avoid predators.

Question: What do animals do in the winter?

Answer: Some animals hibernate in the winter, which means they sleep for a long time to survive the cold weather.

Question: Why do animals have different sizes?

Answer: Allah made animals in different sizes to fit into their habitats and to help them survive in their environment.

Question: Why do animals have bones?

Answer: Allah gave animals bones to support their bodies and to help them move around.

Question: How do animals find their way home?

Answer: Allah gave animals instincts and senses to help them find their way home, even if they wander far away.

Question: Do animals have families?

Answer: Yes, many animals have families where they take care of their babies and teach them how to survive.

Question: Why do some animals have long tails?

Answer: Allah gave some animals long tails to help them balance, climb, or even communicate with other animals.

Question: What can we learn from animals?

Answer: We can learn many things from animals, like how to be kind, patient, and grateful for the blessings Allah has given us.


Question: How does the human body’s complexity reflect the existence of Allah?

Answer: The intricate design and functionality of the human body, from the circulatory system to the nervous system, point towards a divine Creator.

Question: What role does DNA play in demonstrating the existence of Allah?

Answer: DNA, the blueprint of life, showcases the complexity and precision of Allah’s design, encoding the information necessary for all living organisms.

Question: How do advancements in space exploration affirm the existence of Allah?

Answer: Space exploration reveals the vastness and orderliness of the universe, underscoring the majesty and organization instilled by Allah.

Question: What insights do advancements in genetics provide about Allah’s existence?

Answer: Discoveries in genetics highlight the intricacy and diversity of life, emphasizing Allah’s wisdom in crafting every species uniquely.

Question: How does the study of quantum mechanics point towards Allah’s existence?

Answer: Quantum mechanics unravels the mysteries of the subatomic world, demonstrating the precision and intricacy of Allah’s creation at the smallest scales.

Question: What role does technology play in showcasing the existence of Allah?

Answer: Technological advancements, from artificial intelligence to medical breakthroughs, highlight humanity’s ability to harness and appreciate the wonders of Allah’s creation.

Question: How does the study of ecosystems and biodiversity affirm the existence of Allah?

Answer: Ecosystems and biodiversity showcase the interdependence and harmony in nature, serving as a testament to Allah’s wisdom and providence.

Question: How do advancements in medicine and healthcare reflect the existence of Allah?

Answer: Medical breakthroughs and innovations demonstrate the complexity of the human body and the healing power inherent in Allah’s creation.

Question: What insights do developments in astronomy offer about Allah’s existence?

Answer: Astronomy sheds light on the vastness of the cosmos and the precision of celestial movements, revealing the grandeur and orderliness infused by Allah.

Question: How do innovations in renewable energy underscore Allah’s existence?

Answer: Renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, harness the natural elements provided by Allah, showcasing His bountiful provisions.

Question: What role does the study of mathematics play in affirming Allah’s existence?

Answer: Mathematics, the language of the universe, unveils the patterns and symmetries embedded in Allah’s creation, serving as a tool for understanding His divine design.

Question: How do advancements in artificial intelligence reflect Allah’s existence?

Answer: Artificial intelligence showcases humanity’s capacity to emulate aspects of Allah’s creation, underscoring His ultimate wisdom and creativity.

Question: How does the study of geology provide evidence for Allah’s existence?

Answer: Geology reveals the Earth’s history and processes, highlighting the intricate geological formations crafted by Allah over millennia.

Question: What insights do developments in neuroscience offer about Allah’s existence?

Answer: Neuroscience delves into the complexities of the human brain, unraveling the mysteries of consciousness and cognition imbued by Allah.

Question: How do advancements in agriculture affirm the existence of Allah?

Answer: Agricultural innovations demonstrate humanity’s ability to cultivate and steward the Earth’s resources, recognizing the sustenance and abundance provided by Allah.

Question: What role does the study of environmental science play in showcasing Allah’s existence?

Answer: Environmental science emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life forms and ecosystems, underscoring the balance and harmony instilled by Allah.

Question: How do discoveries in paleontology provide evidence for Allah’s existence?

Answer: Paleontological findings unveil the diversity and evolution of life on Earth, revealing Allah’s gradual and purposeful creation over millions of years.

Question: How do advancements in robotics reflect Allah’s existence?

Answer: Robotics showcases humanity’s ingenuity in mimicking aspects of Allah’s creation, highlighting His ultimate authority over all forms of intelligence and innovation.

Question: What insights do developments in quantum computing offer about Allah’s existence?

Answer: Quantum computing explores the fundamental principles of the universe, unveiling the underlying order and complexity inherent in Allah’s creation.

Question: How do advancements in material science affirm the existence of Allah?

Answer: Material science delves into the properties and structures of matter, revealing the intricacies and elegance of Allah’s design at the atomic and molecular levels.


Question: How does the sun give us light and warmth?

Answer: Allah created the sun, which shines brightly to give us light during the day and warmth to keep us cozy.

Question: Why do plants need sunlight to grow?

Answer: Plants need sunlight to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis, which Allah designed to help them grow big and strong.

Question: How does rain fall from the sky?

Answer: Allah sends rain from the clouds to water the earth and help plants and trees grow, ensuring a beautiful green world around us.

Question: Why do birds have feathers?

Answer: Allah gave birds feathers to help them fly through the air and reach places that humans cannot easily go, showing His amazing creativity in design.

Question: How do bees make honey?

Answer: Bees collect nectar from flowers and transform it into honey through a special process inside their hives, demonstrating Allah’s intricate design in nature.

Question: Why do rivers flow?

Answer: Allah made rivers to flow from high places to low places, providing water for animals to drink and helping plants grow along their banks.

Question: How do our eyes see colors?

Answer: Allah created our eyes with special cells called cones that allow us to see different colors in the world around us, making everything beautiful.

Question: Why do clouds form in the sky?

Answer: Allah forms clouds from tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the air, which come together to make shapes and bring rain to the earth.

Question: How do butterflies get their vibrant colors?

Answer: Allah painted butterflies with colorful wings to help them hide from predators and attract mates, adding joy and beauty to the world.

Question: Why do stars twinkle at night?

Answer: Allah made stars twinkle in the sky as they shine their light through Earth’s atmosphere, reminding us of His vast and wondrous creation.

Question: How do trees give us oxygen to breathe?

Answer: Allah created trees to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air through a process called photosynthesis, providing us with the air we need to live.

Question: Why do fruits taste sweet?

Answer: Allah made fruits taste sweet to attract animals to eat them and spread their seeds, ensuring the continuation of plant life in the world.

Question: How do fish breathe underwater?

Answer: Allah designed fish with gills that extract oxygen from water, allowing them to breathe underwater and live in oceans, rivers, and lakes.

Question: Why do rocks come in different shapes and colors?

Answer: Allah formed rocks in various shapes and colors through natural processes like erosion and volcanic activity, showcasing His creativity in the Earth’s landscapes.

Question: How do rainbows appear after a rainstorm?

Answer: Allah creates rainbows by bending sunlight through water droplets in the air, displaying a beautiful spectrum of colors in the sky as a reminder of His promise.

Question: Why do cats purr when they’re happy?

Answer: Allah made cats purr as a sign of contentment and happiness, showing His care and love for all creatures, big and small.

Question: How do seeds grow into plants?

Answer: Allah designed seeds to sprout and grow into plants when planted in soil, receiving water, sunlight, and nutrients, symbolizing the cycle of life and growth.

Question: Why do snowflakes have intricate patterns?

Answer: Allah crafts each snowflake with a unique pattern of ice crystals, displaying His attention to detail and beauty in even the smallest of creations.

Question: How do bees find flowers to collect nectar?

Answer: Allah guides bees to find flowers through their sense of smell and special vision, allowing them to gather nectar and pollen to make honey and feed their colonies.

Question: Why do we feel the wind on our skin?

Answer: Allah sends the wind to cool us down on hot days and carry scents and sounds from faraway places, filling our world with fresh air and adventure.


  1. Who is Satan, and why do we blame him when we do wrong things?

    • Satan, also known as Iblis, is a disobedient creature who tempts humans to do wrong. We blame him because he whispers evil thoughts to us, encouraging us to disobey Allah.
  2. How does Satan attack us and make us do bad things?

    • Satan attacks us by whispering doubts, desires, and temptations in our minds. He tries to make bad things seem attractive and convinces us to disobey Allah.
  3. Why do we curse Satan?

    • We curse Satan because he is our enemy and tries to lead us away from goodness and towards sin and disobedience to Allah.
  4. How does Satan make sins seem attractive to us?

    • Satan makes sins seem attractive by making them look fun, exciting, or harmless. He hides the consequences of sins and makes us forget about Allah’s punishment.
  5. What is “true eyesight,” and why is it important?

    • True eyesight means seeing things as they really are, especially recognizing right from wrong. It’s important because it helps us avoid falling into Satan’s traps.
  6. How can we protect ourselves from Satan’s influence?

    • We can protect ourselves by seeking refuge in Allah, remembering His guidance, reciting Quranic verses, and staying away from places and actions that can lead us to sin.
  7. What are some examples of how Satan attacks us in our daily lives?

    • Satan attacks us by encouraging lying, cheating, bullying, and disobeying our parents or teachers. He also makes us feel jealous, angry, or greedy.
  8. Why is it important to seek protection from Allah when we feel tempted to do wrong?

    • It’s important because Allah is our Protector, and seeking His help strengthens our resolve to resist Satan’s temptations and stay on the right path.
  9. How does Satan try to influence our thoughts and actions through other people?

    • Satan influences us through other people by making them say or do things that can lead us to sin. He uses peer pressure and bad influences to lead us astray.
  10. Can Satan make us do things against our will?

    • No, Satan cannot force us to do anything against our will. But he tries to persuade us and makes bad things seem appealing, hoping we’ll choose to disobey Allah.
  11. What can we do if we realize we’ve fallen into Satan’s trap and committed a sin?

    • We can ask Allah for forgiveness, sincerely regret our actions, and resolve not to repeat the mistake. Seeking forgiveness and repentance helps us overcome Satan’s influence.
  12. How does remembering Allah’s punishment for sins help us avoid wrongdoing?

    • Remembering Allah’s punishment reminds us of the seriousness of sin and motivates us to obey His commands and stay away from actions that displease Him.
  13. Why is it important to have good friends who remind us of Allah and encourage us to do good deeds?

    • Good friends help us stay on the right path by reminding us of Allah’s guidance, supporting us in making good choices, and encouraging us to avoid sinful behavior.
  14. Can Satan attack us through our dreams?

    • Yes, Satan can try to influence our dreams by making us see scary or disturbing things. But seeking protection from Allah before sleeping helps safeguard us from his influence.
  15. How can we use our knowledge of Satan’s tactics to protect ourselves and others?

    • By staying alert to Satan’s whispers and recognizing his tricks, we can avoid falling into his traps and help others do the same by advising them to seek refuge in Allah.
  16. What role do our parents and teachers play in helping us resist Satan’s influence?

    • Our parents and teachers guide us to follow Allah’s commands, teach us right from wrong, and remind us to seek Allah’s protection from Satan’s temptations.
  17. Can Satan attack us when we’re praying or doing something good?

    • Yes, Satan can try to distract us or make us lose focus during prayer or while doing good deeds. But seeking refuge in Allah helps us maintain our concentration.
  18. How does reciting Quranic verses and remembering Allah’s names and attributes protect us from Satan’s influence?

    • Reciting Quranic verses and remembering Allah’s names and attributes strengthen our connection with Allah, making us less susceptible to Satan’s whispers and temptations.
  19. What are some signs that Satan is trying to influence us?

    • Signs include feeling tempted to do something wrong, having doubts about Allah’s commands, feeling jealous or envious of others, or feeling angry or resentful.
  20. How can we strengthen our faith and protect ourselves from Satan’s influence every day?

    • We can strengthen our faith by praying regularly, reciting Quran, being kind and honest, seeking knowledge about Islam, and seeking refuge in Allah from Satan’s whispers.

By understanding Satan’s influence and seeking protection from Allah, we can safeguard ourselves from wrongdoing and strive to lead a righteous life.


Question: Why is meteorology important?

Answer: Meteorology helps us know when to wear a raincoat, fly a kite on windy days, and stay inside during thunderstorms, reminding us of Allah’s control over nature, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is environmental science?

Answer: Environmental science is the study of how living things interact with their surroundings, showing us the wonders of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do we study environmental science?

Answer: We study environmental science to understand how human activities affect the Earth and its ecosystems, recognizing the importance of preserving Allah’s magnificent creations, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are ecosystems?

Answer: Ecosystems are communities of living organisms and their physical environment, reflecting the intricate balance and diversity of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do plants help the environment?

Answer: Plants help clean the air, provide habitat for animals, and produce oxygen through photosynthesis, demonstrating Allah’s wisdom in sustaining life, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why is it important to recycle?

Answer: Recycling helps reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment for future generations, reflecting our responsibility as stewards of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is pollution?

Answer: Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment, disrupting ecosystems and endangering living organisms, a reminder of the consequences of neglecting Allah’s blessings, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does deforestation affect the environment?

Answer: Deforestation leads to loss of habitat, soil erosion, and climate change, highlighting the importance of preserving Allah’s forests and biodiversity, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are renewable energy sources?

Answer: Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are sources of energy that can be replenished naturally, reflecting Allah’s abundant provisions for sustainable living, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does climate change affect the environment?

Answer: Climate change leads to rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and more extreme weather events, emphasizing the urgency of addressing environmental issues in accordance with Allah’s guidance, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why is biodiversity important?

Answer: Biodiversity supports ecosystem health, provides food and medicine, and enriches our lives with beauty and wonder, showcasing Allah’s infinite creativity and generosity, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is conservation?

Answer: Conservation is the protection and preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, honoring Allah’s command to be caretakers of His creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do humans impact the environment?

Answer: Humans impact the environment through activities like pollution, deforestation, and overconsumption, underscoring the importance of responsible stewardship in accordance with Allah’s teachings, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is an endangered species?

Answer: An endangered species is a species at risk of extinction due to habitat loss, pollution, or other human activities, highlighting the fragility of Allah’s diverse creations, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does water pollution affect marine life?

Answer: Water pollution harms marine life by contaminating habitats, causing disease, and disrupting ecosystems, prompting us to seek forgiveness for our negligence of Allah’s oceans, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why is it important to protect natural habitats?

Answer: Protecting natural habitats preserves biodiversity, maintains ecosystem services, and safeguards the balance of nature, fulfilling our duty as stewards of Allah’s Earth, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is sustainable living?

Answer: Sustainable living involves making choices that reduce our environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote harmony with Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does air pollution affect human health?

Answer: Air pollution contributes to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues, reminding us of the importance of clean air as a blessing from Allah, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are the consequences of ocean pollution?

Answer: Ocean pollution harms marine life, disrupts ecosystems, and affects human health through contaminated seafood, urging us to repent for our mistreatment of Allah’s oceans, Subhan Allah.

Question: How can we protect the environment?

Answer: We can protect the environment by reducing waste, conserving energy, and advocating for policies that promote sustainability, striving to be righteous stewards of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.


Question: Why is astronomy important?

Answer: Astronomy helps us see shooting stars in the night sky, learn about the moon’s phases, and dream about exploring outer space, inspiring awe and reverence for Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What do meteorologists study?

Answer: Meteorologists study the atmosphere, weather patterns, and climate to understand Allah’s intricate designs and plans, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: Why do clouds form?

Answer: Clouds form when water vapor in the air condenses into tiny droplets or ice crystals, showcasing Allah’s marvelous system of water cycle, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What causes thunderstorms?

Answer: Thunderstorms are caused by the rapid upward movement of warm, moist air, leading to the formation of cumulonimbus clouds and lightning, demonstrating Allah’s powerful forces at work, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do meteorologists predict the weather? 

Answer: Meteorologists use data from satellites, radar, and weather stations to analyze atmospheric conditions and make forecasts, relying on Allah’s guidance in understanding His creation, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What is precipitation? 

Answer: Precipitation is any form of water, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, that falls from the sky, showcasing Allah’s mercy in providing sustenance to the Earth, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: Why do we have seasons? 

Answer: We have seasons because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis as it orbits the sun, creating variations in temperature and weather throughout the year, a beautiful manifestation of Allah’s wisdom and order, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How are hurricanes formed? 

Answer: Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters when low-pressure systems develop and intensify, showcasing Allah’s might in shaping natural phenomena, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What is climate change? 

Answer: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns, reminding us of our responsibility to care for Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do meteorologists track storms? 

Answer: Meteorologists track storms using weather satellites, radar systems, and computer models to monitor their development and movement, relying on Allah’s guidance to protect communities from harm, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What are tornadoes? 

Answer: Tornadoes are violent rotating columns of air that extend from thunderstorms to the ground, showcasing Allah’s power in shaping the forces of nature, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do clouds affect the weather? 

Answer: Clouds play a crucial role in the weather by reflecting sunlight, trapping heat, and producing precipitation, demonstrating Allah’s intricate balance in regulating the Earth’s climate, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: Why is air pressure important in meteorology? 

Answer: Air pressure influences weather patterns and winds, guiding meteorologists in understanding atmospheric dynamics and predicting changes in Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What is the water cycle? 

Answer: The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth’s surface, illustrating Allah’s infinite wisdom in sustaining life, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do clouds form? 

Answer: Clouds form when water vapor in the air condenses into tiny droplets or ice crystals, showcasing Allah’s marvelous system of water cycle, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What is fog? 

Answer: Fog is a cloud that forms near the ground when air near the surface cools and reaches its dew point, exemplifying Allah’s intricate mechanisms in atmospheric phenomena, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do meteorologists measure wind speed? 

Answer: Meteorologists measure wind speed using instruments like anemometers and weather vanes, allowing them to understand Allah’s gentle breezes and powerful gusts, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: What is the difference between weather and climate? 

Answer: Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate describes long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, and wind, reflecting Allah’s enduring plans for His creation, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.

Question: How do mountains affect the weather? 

Answer: Mountains influence weather patterns by blocking or redirecting airflow, causing changes in temperature, precipitation, and cloud formation, revealing Allah’s majestic hand in shaping landscapes and climates, Alhumdulila Hay Kassira.


Question: What is astronomy? Answer: Astronomy is the study of stars, planets, and everything in space, illustrating the vastness of Allah’s universe, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: Why do we study astronomy? Answer: We study astronomy to learn about the cosmos, understand our place in the universe, and explore the wonders of Allah’s creation, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What are stars? Answer: Stars are giant balls of hot gas that shine brightly in the sky, serving as beacons of Allah’s majestic power, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: How many planets are there in our solar system? Answer: There are eight planets in our solar system, each with its own unique features and beauty, a testament to Allah’s boundless creativity, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is the sun? Answer: The sun is a star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to Earth, a magnificent creation of Allah’s divine design, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: Why does the moon shine? Answer: The moon shines because it reflects sunlight, illuminating the night sky with its gentle glow, a manifestation of Allah’s celestial artistry, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What are constellations? Answer: Constellations are groups of stars that form recognizable patterns in the sky, guiding us like celestial signposts in Allah’s vast universe, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is a galaxy? Answer: A galaxy is a huge collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity, showcasing the grandeur of Allah’s cosmic architecture, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: How many galaxies are there? Answer: There are billions of galaxies in the universe, each containing countless stars and mysteries waiting to be discovered, a reflection of Allah’s infinite creativity, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is a black hole? Answer: A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it, a fascinating phenomenon in Allah’s cosmic masterpiece, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What causes seasons on Earth? Answer: Seasons on Earth are caused by the tilt of its axis as it orbits the sun, creating changes in temperature and weather throughout the year, a delicate balance orchestrated by Allah, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: Why do stars twinkle? Answer: Stars twinkle because of turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere, creating shimmering lights in the night sky, a mesmerizing display of Allah’s celestial dance, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is a comet? Answer: A comet is a small celestial object made of ice, dust, and rock that orbits the sun, leaving behind a glowing tail as it travels through space, a spectacular manifestation of Allah’s cosmic artistry, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is a meteor? Answer: A meteor is a small piece of rock or metal that burns up in Earth’s atmosphere, creating a streak of light known as a shooting star, a fleeting reminder of Allah’s cosmic wonders, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is a telescope? Answer: A telescope is a device used to observe distant objects in space, allowing us to peer into the depths of Allah’s universe and uncover its mysteries, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: How do astronauts travel to space? Answer: Astronauts travel to space aboard spacecraft like rockets and shuttles, embarking on journeys to explore the wonders of Allah’s cosmic realm, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is the International Space Station (ISS)? Answer: The International Space Station is a giant laboratory in space where astronauts from different countries conduct experiments and research, fostering collaboration and exploration in Allah’s cosmic playground, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: What is the Milky Way? Answer: The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our solar system, a vast spiral of stars, gas, and dust swirling through space, a breathtaking sight in Allah’s celestial gallery, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: How do astronomers study distant objects in space? Answer: Astronomers study distant objects in space using telescopes, satellites, and other advanced instruments, unraveling the mysteries of Allah’s universe from the comfort of our own planet, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.

Question: Why is astronomy important for human life? Answer: Astronomy is important for human life because it helps us understand the cosmos, inspire curiosity and wonder, and appreciate the magnificence of Allah’s creation, Allah Ho Akbar Kabira.


Question: Why is geology important? Answer: Geology helps us find pretty rocks on the beach, climb mountains like superheroes, and dig in the dirt to find buried treasure, marveling at the wonders of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: What do geologists do? Answer: Geologists study rocks, mountains, and the Earth to learn about its history and understand how it changes over time, discovering the secrets of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: How do mountains form? Answer: Mountains form when the Earth’s crust moves and pushes against each other, creating majestic peaks and valleys, showcasing the power of Allah’s design, Alhumdulila.

Question: Why do volcanoes erupt? Answer: Volcanoes erupt when molten rock, ash, and gases escape from beneath the Earth’s surface, reminding us of the awesome forces at work in Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are fossils? Answer: Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago, preserved in rocks as a glimpse into the past, a testament to Allah’s eternal wisdom, Alhumdulila.

Question: How do rivers shape the land? Answer: Rivers shape the land by carrying water and sediment, carving out valleys and canyons over time, illustrating the beauty of Allah’s natural processes, Alhumdulila.

Question: What causes earthquakes? Answer: Earthquakes happen when there’s a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, shaking the ground and reminding us of Allah’s control over the Earth, Alhumdulila.

Question: Why is soil important? Answer: Soil is important because it helps plants grow, provides homes for animals, and filters water, showing us the blessings of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: How do caves form? Answer: Caves form when water dissolves rock over thousands of years, creating underground caverns and passages, a hidden wonder in Allah’s vast creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: What causes landslides? Answer: Landslides occur when rocks and soil slide down a slope, often triggered by heavy rain or earthquakes, a reminder of Allah’s control over the Earth’s movements, Alhumdulila.

Question: Why do we study rocks? Answer: We study rocks to learn about Earth’s history, understand how landscapes form, and find valuable resources, appreciating the marvels of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: How do glaciers shape the land? Answer: Glaciers shape the land by carving out valleys and leaving behind moraines and lakes as they move, a testament to Allah’s sculpting of the Earth, Alhumdulila.

Question: What is erosion? Answer: Erosion is the process of wearing away rocks and soil by wind, water, and ice, shaping the Earth’s surface over time according to Allah’s divine plan, Alhumdulila.

Question: How do geysers erupt? Answer: Geysers erupt when underground water is heated by magma and shoots out through a vent, displaying the amazing dynamics of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: What causes tsunamis? Answer: Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions that create massive waves, a reminder of Allah’s awe-inspiring forces of nature, Alhumdulila.

Question: Why are rocks important? Answer: Rocks are important because they provide clues about Earth’s history, contain valuable resources, and form the foundation of landscapes, showcasing the enduring beauty of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: How does geology help us understand the environment? Answer: Geology helps us understand the environment by assessing natural hazards, managing water resources, and preserving ecosystems, highlighting the interconnectedness of Allah’s creation, Alhumdulila.

Question: What do we learn from studying geology? Answer: From studying geology, we learn about Earth’s past, how landscapes form, and how to protect our planet for future generations, appreciating the wisdom and mercy of Allah, Alhumdulila.


Question: What is biology? Answer: Biology is the study of living things, like animals, plants, and even tiny bugs, all part of Allah’s beautiful creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are animals? Answer: Animals are living creatures that move, eat, and grow, each designed uniquely by Allah, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are plants? Answer: Plants are living things that grow in the ground and make their own food using sunlight, water, and nutrients, showing Allah’s creativity in sustaining life, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do we need to eat food? Answer: We need to eat food to give us energy and help our bodies grow and stay healthy, a provision from Allah for our well-being, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are insects? Answer: Insects are tiny creatures with six legs, like butterflies, ants, and bees, each serving a purpose in Allah’s ecosystem, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do birds fly? Answer: Birds fly by flapping their wings and using the air to lift them up, showcasing Allah’s engineering in creating creatures that soar through the sky, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are fish? Answer: Fish are animals that live in water and breathe through gills, swimming gracefully in rivers, lakes, and oceans, a testament to Allah’s diversity in aquatic life, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do flowers smell nice? Answer: Flowers smell nice to attract insects and other creatures for pollination, spreading their seeds and ensuring their survival, a fragrant display of Allah’s design for reproduction, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do trees grow tall? Answer: Trees grow tall by adding rings of new wood to their trunks each year, reaching up towards the sky with branches and leaves, a majestic demonstration of Allah’s growth and renewal, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are microorganisms? Answer: Microorganisms are tiny living things that we can’t see without a microscope, like bacteria and viruses, each playing a role in Allah’s intricate web of life, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do animals have different colors? Answer: Animals have different colors to help them blend in with their surroundings, find mates, and scare away predators, a colorful reflection of Allah’s wisdom in adaptation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are mammals? Answer: Mammals are animals that give birth to live babies and feed them with milk, including creatures like dogs, cats, and humans, a nurturing gift from Allah for the continuity of life, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do plants make seeds? Answer: Plants make seeds through the process of pollination, where pollen from one flower fertilizes the ovule of another, a miraculous cycle of reproduction orchestrated by Allah, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do animals hibernate? Answer: Animals hibernate to survive the cold winter months when food is scarce, conserving their energy until spring returns, a seasonal reminder of Allah’s provision and protection, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are reptiles? Answer: Reptiles are cold-blooded animals with scales or shells, like snakes, turtles, and crocodiles, each adapted to thrive in different environments by Allah’s perfect design, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do animals communicate? Answer: Animals communicate through sounds, gestures, and scents, conveying messages for mating, warning, and bonding, a fascinating display of Allah’s complexity in communication, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are ecosystems? Answer: Ecosystems are communities of living organisms interacting with each other and their environment, forming intricate webs of life sustained by Allah’s balance and harmony, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do birds migrate? Answer: Birds migrate to find food, warmer climates, and suitable nesting sites, following instinctual patterns set by Allah for their survival, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do plants adapt to different environments? Answer: Plants adapt to different environments through traits like drought tolerance, deep roots, and thick leaves, each adaptation reflecting Allah’s wisdom in providing for all living beings, Subhan Allah.


Question: What is chemistry? Answer: Chemistry is the science that helps us understand what things are made of and how they can change, reflecting Allah’s wisdom in the intricate composition of matter, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: Why do we study chemistry? Answer: We study chemistry to learn about the amazing substances around us and how they interact, acknowledging Allah’s greatness in the complexity of His creation, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are atoms? Answer: Atoms are tiny particles that make up everything in the universe, showing Allah’s infinite creativity in designing the building blocks of matter, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are molecules? Answer: Molecules are groups of atoms joined together, forming different substances we see and use, showcasing Allah’s boundless power in creating diverse compounds, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: How does chemistry help us in everyday life? Answer: Chemistry helps us in everyday life by explaining things like cooking, cleaning, and even how our bodies work, revealing Allah’s practical wisdom in His creation, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What is a chemical reaction? Answer: A chemical reaction is when substances change into new substances through a process of rearranging atoms, demonstrating Allah’s infinite capabilities in transforming matter, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: Why do things dissolve in water? Answer: Things dissolve in water because water molecules surround and break apart other substances, illustrating Allah’s precise design in creating the properties of water, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are acids and bases? Answer: Acids and bases are two types of substances with different properties that react with each other, showcasing Allah’s balance in creating complementary forces, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: How does fire burn? Answer: Fire burns when substances react with oxygen in the air, releasing heat and light, highlighting Allah’s majestic power in creating energy and combustion, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: Why do some things change color when they react? Answer: Some things change color when they react because new substances with different colors are formed, revealing Allah’s artistry in the transformations of matter, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are elements? Answer: Elements are pure substances made of only one type of atom, reflecting Allah’s simplicity and unity in the fundamental components of matter, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: How do plants make food? Answer: Plants make food through a process called photosynthesis, using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, showing Allah’s miraculous provision for life through plants, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What is the role of chemistry in medicine? Answer: Chemistry plays a vital role in medicine by helping us understand how drugs work in the body and how to create new medicines, demonstrating Allah’s mercy in providing cures for illnesses, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are polymers? Answer: Polymers are long chains of molecules found in many materials, showing Allah’s creativity in designing versatile substances with various properties, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: Why do we see different colors in fireworks? Answer: We see different colors in fireworks because of the different chemical compounds that burn and produce colorful light, showcasing Allah’s beauty in the vibrant displays of fireworks, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: How do batteries work? Answer: Batteries work by converting chemical energy into electrical energy, powering our devices and demonstrating Allah’s provision of energy sources, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What causes food to spoil? Answer: Food spoils due to chemical reactions with bacteria and enzymes, reminding us of Allah’s wisdom in the natural processes of decay and renewal, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What is the importance of chemistry in industry? Answer: Chemistry is essential in industry for producing materials, fuels, medicines, and many other products we use every day, reflecting Allah’s guidance in using natural resources for human benefit, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: How do detergents clean? Answer: Detergents clean by interacting with water and oils to remove dirt and grease, showing Allah’s wisdom in providing solutions for cleanliness and hygiene, Allah Ho Akbar.

Question: What are chemical bonds? Answer: Chemical bonds are forces that hold atoms together in molecules and compounds, illustrating Allah’s intricate design in the structure and stability of matter, Allah Ho Akbar.


Question: What is physics? Answer: Physics is the study of how things work in the universe, from tiny particles to the stars and galaxies, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are atoms? Answer: Atoms are tiny building blocks that make up everything around us, like the air we breathe and the water we drink, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What is gravity? Answer: Gravity is the force that pulls things towards each other, like how it keeps us on the ground and makes apples fall from trees, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What is light? Answer: Light is a type of energy that helps us see things around us, like the sun, stars, and even the glow from a flashlight, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are stars? Answer: Stars are giant balls of hot, glowing gas in space that shine brightly and give us light and warmth, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What is sound? Answer: Sound is vibrations that travel through the air and our ears can hear them, like music, laughter, and the sound of birds chirping, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What is the sky? Answer: The sky is the big, open space above us where we see clouds, the sun, the moon, and the twinkling stars, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are planets? Answer: Planets are big, round objects that orbit around stars, like Earth, which we live on, and others such as Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are magnets? Answer: Magnets are special objects that can pull certain metals towards them, like how magnets stick to the fridge and hold up pictures, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.

Question: What are colors? Answer: Colors are different shades we see when light reflects off objects, like the green leaves on trees, the blue sky, and the red apples, all created by Allah, Alhumdulila.


Question: What is environmental science? Answer: Environmental science is the study of how animals, plants, and people live together on Earth, emphasizing the importance of stewardship over Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do we study environmental science? Answer: We study environmental science to learn how to take care of our planet, keep it clean, and protect the animals and plants that live here, recognizing the beauty and balance of Allah’s creation, InshAllah.

Question: What are ecosystems? Answer: Ecosystems are places where animals, plants, and their environments work together to create a balanced and harmonious community, reflecting Allah’s wisdom and design in nature, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do plants help the environment? Answer: Plants help the environment by producing oxygen, providing food and shelter for animals, and keeping the soil healthy, showing us the generosity and kindness of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why is it important to recycle? Answer: Recycling is important because it helps us reuse materials, reduce waste, and protect the Earth’s resources, reflecting our responsibility as caretakers of Allah’s gifts, InshAllah.

Question: What is pollution? Answer: Pollution is when harmful substances, like trash or chemicals, get into the air, water, or soil and can hurt plants, animals, and people, reminding us of the need to keep Allah’s Earth clean and pure, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does deforestation affect the environment? Answer: Deforestation, or cutting down trees, can harm the environment by destroying habitats for animals, causing soil erosion, and contributing to climate change, highlighting the delicate balance of Allah’s creation, Ass taqFurola.

Question: What are renewable energy sources? Answer: Renewable energy sources, like sunlight and wind, are sources of energy that we can use over and over again without running out, showing us Allah’s abundant blessings and provisions, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does climate change affect the environment? Answer: Climate change, caused by things like pollution and deforestation, can make the Earth’s weather patterns more extreme, affecting animals, plants, and people, reminding us of the consequences of neglecting Allah’s Earth, Ass taqFurola.

Question: Why is biodiversity important? Answer: Biodiversity, or having many different kinds of plants and animals, is important because it helps ecosystems stay healthy and balanced, showing us the richness and diversity of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is conservation? Answer: Conservation is the careful use and protection of natural resources, like water, air, and land, to keep them safe for future generations, reflecting our duty to preserve and cherish Allah’s gifts, InshAllah.

Question: How do humans impact the environment? Answer: Humans impact the environment in many ways, like by polluting the air and water, cutting down forests, and using up natural resources, reminding us of our responsibility to be good stewards of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is an endangered species? Answer: An endangered species is a type of animal or plant that is in danger of dying out completely, often because of habitat loss or pollution, underscoring the need to protect and care for Allah’s creatures, InShAllah.

Question: How does water pollution affect marine life? Answer: Water pollution, like dumping trash or chemicals into rivers and oceans, can harm marine life by making it hard for animals to breathe, eat, and live, urging us to repent for our mistreatment of Allah’s oceans, Ass taq furolla.

Question: Why is it important to protect natural habitats? Answer: Protecting natural habitats, like forests and wetlands, is important because it helps preserve biodiversity and keeps ecosystems healthy and balanced, showing us the importance of respecting and preserving Allah’s Earth, InshAllah.

Question: What is sustainable living? Answer: Sustainable living is living in a way that meets our needs without harming the environment or using up all of Earth’s resources, reflecting our duty to be wise and caring stewards of Allah’s creation, Insh Allah.

Question: How does air pollution affect human health? Answer: Air pollution, like breathing in dirty air with smoke or chemicals, can make people sick with things like asthma or lung disease, reminding us to be thankful for the clean air provided by Allah, Ass taqfurolla.

Question: What are the consequences of ocean pollution? Answer: Ocean pollution, caused by things like oil spills and plastic trash, can harm marine animals, disrupt ecosystems, and even make seafood unsafe to eat, urging us to repent for our mistreatment of Allah’s oceans, Ass taq furolla.

Question: How can we protect the environment? Answer: We can protect the environment by recycling, conserving water and energy, and being mindful of how our actions affect the Earth and its creatures, striving to be responsible stewards of Allah’s creation, InshAllah.


Question: What is meteorology? Answer: Meteorology is the study of weather, including things like rain, wind, and storms, all part of Allah’s intricate design, subhan Allah

Question: Why do we study meteorology? Answer: We study meteorology to understand the weather patterns and phenomena that impact our daily lives, recognizing Allah’s wisdom in the natural world, Subhan Allah

Question: What causes rain? Answer: Rain is caused by water vapor in the air condensing into droplets that fall to the ground, a manifestation of Allah’s provision for the Earth, Subhan Allah

Question: How do clouds form? Answer: Clouds form when water vapor in the air cools and condenses around tiny particles, showcasing Allah’s marvelous creation of the atmosphere, Subhan Allah

Question: What are the different types of clouds? Answer: There are different types of clouds, such as cumulus, stratus, and cirrus, each with its own characteristics and appearance, reflecting Allah’s infinite creativity, Souhan Allah

Question: Why is wind important? Answer: Wind helps distribute heat and moisture around the Earth, influencing weather patterns and climate, a testament to Allah’s intricate balance in nature, Subhan Allah

Question: What causes thunder and lightning? Answer: Thunder and lightning occur during thunderstorms when electrical charges build up in clouds and are discharged, demonstrating Allah’s power and majesty in the sky, Subhan Allah

Question: How do meteorologists predict the weather? Answer: Meteorologists predict the weather by analyzing data from satellites, weather stations, and computer models, relying on Allah’s guidance in interpreting His creation, Subhan Allah

Question: What is a hurricane? Answer: A hurricane is a powerful tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain, illustrating Allah’s control over the forces of nature, subhan Allah

Question: How does temperature affect the weather? Answer: Temperature influences weather by determining the amount of moisture in the air and the types of precipitation, highlighting Allah’s precise mechanisms in atmospheric processes, subhan Allah

Question: What is climate? Answer: Climate refers to the long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, and other weather phenomena in a region, reflecting Allah’s enduring plans for His creation, Subhan Allah

Question: How do meteorologists track storms? Answer: Meteorologists track storms using radar, satellites, and other tools to monitor their development and movement, seeking refuge in Allah’s protection from their potential harm, Subhan Allah

Question: What causes fog? Answer: Fog forms when air near the ground cools and reaches its dew point, creating a cloud at the Earth’s surface, a gentle reminder of Allah’s intricate processes in the atmosphere, Subhan Allah

Question: How do mountains influence weather? Answer: Mountains influence weather by blocking or redirecting airflow, causing changes in temperature, precipitation, and cloud formation, showcasing Allah’s majestic hand in shaping landscapes, Subhan Allah

Question: Why is air pressure important in meteorology? Answer: Air pressure affects weather patterns and wind movement, guiding meteorologists in their understanding of atmospheric dynamics, a reflection of Allah’s precise balance in nature, Subhan Allah

Question: What is the water cycle? Answer: The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth’s surface, illustrating Allah’s mercy in providing sustenance for all living beings, subhan Allah

Question: How do meteorologists measure humidity? Answer: Meteorologists measure humidity using instruments like hygrometers to determine the amount of moisture in the air, acknowledging Allah’s provision in every drop of water, subhan Allah

Question: What are the seasons? Answer: Seasons are periods of the year characterized by changes in temperature, daylight, and weather patterns, following Allah’s rhythmic cycles in nature, Subhan Allah

Question: How do meteorologists study climate change? Answer: Meteorologists study climate change by analyzing long-term weather data and trends, seeking Allah’s guidance in understanding the impact of human activities on His creation, Subhan Allah



Question: What is physics? 

Answer: Physics is the study of how things work in the universe, from tiny particles to the stars and galaxies. 

Question: Why is physics important? 

Answer: Physics helps us understand how the world around us behaves and allows us to invent new things like computers and spaceships. 


Question: What is chemistry?

Answer: Chemistry is the science that helps us understand what things are made of and how they can change. Question: Why is chemistry important? Answer: Chemistry helps us make medicines, cook delicious food, and even make materials like plastic and metal. 


Question: What is biology?

Answer: Biology is the study of living things, like animals, plants, and even tiny organisms we can’t see without a microscope. 

Question: Why is biology important? 

Answer: Biology helps us learn about our bodies, how plants grow, and how animals live, which helps us take care of ourselves and the planet. 


Question: What is geology?

Answer: Geology is the study of the Earth, including rocks, mountains, and how the Earth changes over time. 

Question: Why is geology important? 

Answer: Geology helps us understand natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes, and it helps us find important things like oil and minerals. 


Question: What is astronomy?

Answer: Astronomy is the study of stars, planets, galaxies, and everything in space. 

Question: Why is astronomy important? 

Answer: Astronomy helps us learn about the universe and how it began, and it helps us explore other planets and stars. 


Question: What is meteorology?

Answer: Meteorology is the study of weather, including things like rain, wind, and storms.

Question: Why is meteorology important? 

Answer: Meteorology helps us predict the weather so we can plan for sunny days and stay safe during storms. 

Environmental Science:

Question: What is environmental science?

Answer: Environmental science is the study of how living things interact with their environment and how we can take care of the Earth.

Question: Why is environmental science important? 

Answer: Environmental science helps us protect animals, plants, and the Earth’s resources, like clean water and air. 


Question: What is neuroscience?

Answer: Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system, which helps us understand how we think, feel, and move.

Question: Why is neuroscience important? 

Answer: Neuroscience helps doctors and scientists find ways to treat brain diseases and understand how our brains work. 


Question: What is psychology?

Answer: Psychology is the study of how people think, feel, and behave.

Question: Why is psychology important? 

Answer: Psychology helps us understand ourselves and others better, which helps us get along with each other and solve problems. 


Question: What is sociology?

Answer: Sociology is the study of how people live together in groups, like families, communities, and societies.

Question: Why is sociology important? 

Answer: Sociology helps us understand how societies work and how we can make them better for everyone.


Q: How can we strengthen our patience and Taqwa? 

A: We can strengthen our patience and Taqwa by remembering Allah frequently throughout the day, saying “Alhumdulila hai Alla Kullay Hall” repeatedly.

Q: Why is it important to learn about Tawheed? 

A: Learning about Tawheed helps protect our faith from atheism and agnosticism.

Q: Who is the source of all things in this world and the universe? 

A: Allah is the source of all things in this world and the universe.

Q: What does Tawheed teach us about Allah? 

A: Tawheed teaches us that Allah is One and has no partners or equals.

Q: How does Tawheed help us in our daily lives? 

A: Tawheed helps us remember that Allah is always with us, guiding and protecting us.

Q: What is Taqwa? 

A: Taqwa is consciousness of Allah and striving to do what is right in His eyes.

Q: How can we develop Taqwa? 

A: We can develop Taqwa by obeying Allah’s commands and avoiding what He has forbidden.

Q: Why is patience important in Islam? 

A: Patience is important in Islam because it helps us endure difficulties and remain steadfast in our faith.

Q: How does saying “Alhumdulila hai Alla Kullay Hall” help us? 

A: Saying “Alhumdulila hai Alla Kullay Hall” reminds us to be grateful to Allah for everything He has given us.

Q: What does Emaan mean? 

A: Emaan means faith or belief in Allah and His messengers.

Q: How can we improve our Emaan? 

A: We can improve our Emaan by learning more about Islam, praying regularly, and being kind to others.

Q: Why do we need to protect our faith from atheism and agnosticism? 

A: Protecting our faith from atheism and agnosticism helps us stay close to Allah and follow His guidance.

Q: What is the purpose of learning about Tawheed and Taqwa? 

A: The purpose of learning about Tawheed and Taqwa is to strengthen our faith and live according to Allah’s teachings.

Q: How can we remember Allah throughout the day? 

A: We can remember Allah throughout the day by saying prayers, reading the Quran, and doing good deeds.

Q: Why should we be patient when facing challenges? 

A: We should be patient when facing challenges because it shows our trust in Allah’s plan and helps us grow stronger.

Q: What does it mean to have Taqwa? 

A: Having Taqwa means being aware of Allah’s presence and striving to obey Him in all aspects of life.

Q: How does Tawheed protect us from disbelief? 

A: Tawheed protects us from disbelief by teaching us to believe in the oneness of Allah and reject any false gods or idols.

Q: Why is gratitude important in Islam? 

A: Gratitude is important in Islam because it helps us appreciate Allah’s blessings and strengthens our faith.

Q: How can we show gratitude to Allah? 

A: We can show gratitude to Allah by thanking Him for His blessings, obeying His commands, and helping others.

Q: What is the role of Tawheed and Taqwa in our lives? 

A: Tawheed and Taqwa help guide us on the path of righteousness and protect us from evil influences, ensuring that we live according to Allah’s will.


As young students embark on their educational journey, it’s important to lay a strong foundation of Islamic principles to guide them towards spiritual growth and moral development. Understanding Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) and Taqwa (God-consciousness) is essential for navigating life’s challenges and staying steadfast on the path of righteousness.

  1. Purpose of Life: Explaining to students that the purpose of life, according to Islam, is to worship Allah and attain eternal bliss by following His guidance, instilling a sense of purpose and direction in their lives.

  2. Role of Prophets: Introducing students to the prophets like Adam, Moses, Jesus, and last prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them and their teachings about monotheism, moral conduct, and obedience to Allah’s commands, emphasizing the importance of following their examples.

  3. Satan as Humanity’s Enemy: Teaching students about Satan as humanity’s worst enemy, who seeks to lead people astray from righteousness, and encouraging them to be vigilant against his deceptive tactics.

  4. Deception by Satan: Helping students recognize Satan’s false promises of pleasure and worldly gain, and educating them on how to resist his temptations by remembering Allah and seeking refuge in Him.

  5. Concept of Tawheed: Simplifying the concept of Tawheed as the belief in the Oneness of Allah, emphasizing His uniqueness and sovereignty, and encouraging students to worship Him alone.

  6. Meaning of Taqwa: Teaching students about Taqwa as God-consciousness, where they are aware of Allah’s presence and strive to obey His commands, fostering a sense of mindfulness and moral responsibility.

  7. Rejecting False Allure: Guiding students to recognize and reject the false allure of worldly distractions like music and dance, and encouraging them to prioritize their relationship with Allah over temporary pleasures.

  8. Distinguishing True Enlightenment: Helping students differentiate between true enlightenment, found in Islam’s teachings of Tawheed and Taqwa, and the deceptive traps of Satan, empowering them to make informed choices.

  9. Practical Steps for Strengthening Tawheed and Taqwa: Introducing practical steps such as prayer, Quran recitation, seeking knowledge, and surrounding themselves with righteous company, to help students strengthen their faith.

  10. Role of Knowledge and Wisdom: Emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom to protect themselves from falling into Satan’s traps, encouraging critical thinking and discernment.

  11. Prophetic Examples: Sharing stories of prophets who exemplified Tawheed and Taqwa in their lives, such as Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering faith and Prophet Yusuf’s patience, to inspire students to follow their footsteps.

  12. Understanding Purpose for Clarity: Helping students understand their purpose in life for clarity and direction, motivating them to strive for Allah’s pleasure and eternal reward.

  13. Role of Parents and Educators: Stressing the role of parents and educators in nurturing a supportive environment that fosters Tawheed and Taqwa, serving as positive role models and providing religious education.

  14. Seeking Refuge in Allah: Teaching students to seek refuge in Allah through prayer and remembrance, and to turn to Him for protection from Satan’s whispers, instilling reliance on Allah’s guidance.

  15. Warning Signs of Falling Into Traps: Educating students about warning signs such as neglecting religious obligations and becoming engrossed in worldly pursuits, empowering them to recognize and avoid falling into traps.

  16. Gratitude and Remembrance: Encouraging students to express gratitude to Allah and remember Him in all aspects of their lives, cultivating resilience against temptation and strengthening their faith.

  17. Examples of Resisting Temptations: Sharing examples of individuals who resisted temptations through their strong faith, inspiring students to emulate their steadfastness in the face of adversity.

  18. True Enlightenment: Clarifying the concept of true enlightenment as recognizing the truth of Islam and striving to live in accordance with its teachings, guiding students towards spiritual growth and moral integrity.

  19. Spreading Awareness: Encouraging students to spread awareness about the dangers of Satan’s deceptions by sharing Islamic teachings with others, promoting righteous behavior and moral values in their communities.

  20. Rewards for Steadfastness: Reminding students of the rewards for remaining steadfast in faith and resisting Satan’s temptations, including Allah’s pleasure, forgiveness, and eternal paradise, motivating them to stay committed to their beliefs. For more details visit Quranexplains.com or contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari.


  1. What is Salah?

    • Salah is the special prayer that Muslims perform to connect with Allah.
  2. Why do Muslims pray Salah?

    • Muslims pray Salah to show their love for Allah and to thank Him for all the blessings He has given them.
  3. How many times do Muslims pray Salah each day?

    • Muslims pray Salah five times a day: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.
  4. What do Muslims say and do during Salah?

    • During Salah, Muslims recite verses from the Quran and perform specific physical movements, like standing, bowing, and prostrating.
  5. Why is Salah important for Muslims?

    • Salah is important because it helps Muslims feel closer to Allah and reminds them to be grateful for everything they have.
  6. Who taught Muslims how to pray Salah?

    • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught Muslims how to pray Salah, and they follow his example.
  7. Can anyone pray Salah?

    • Yes, anyone who believes in Allah and follows Islam can pray Salah.
  8. Where do Muslims pray Salah?

    • Muslims can pray Salah anywhere, but they often pray in a mosque or at home in a clean and quiet place.
  9. Can children pray Salah too?

    • Yes, children are encouraged to pray Salah, and they can start learning how to pray at a young age.
  10. What should you do if you don’t know how to pray Salah?

    • You can ask your parents, teachers, or older siblings to help you learn how to pray Salah correctly.
  11. What do Muslims feel when they pray Salah?

    • Muslims feel peaceful and happy when they pray Salah because they know they are connecting with Allah.
  12. Can Salah be prayed silently?

    • Some parts of Salah are recited silently, while others are recited aloud, depending on the time of day and the type of Salah being performed.
  13. What should you do if you miss a Salah time?

    • If you miss a Salah time, you should try to pray it as soon as you remember and ask Allah for forgiveness.
  14. Can Salah be prayed in any language?

    • Salah should be prayed in Arabic, but Muslims can also understand the meaning of the verses they recite in their native language.
  15. Why do Muslims face towards the Kaaba when they pray Salah?

    • Muslims face towards the Kaaba in Mecca when they pray Salah because it is the holiest place in Islam and the direction all Muslims face when praying.
  16. What is the importance of washing before Salah?

    • Washing before Salah, called Wudu or ablution, helps Muslims feel clean and pure before standing in front of Allah.
  17. Can Salah be prayed together with family members?

    • Yes, Salah can be prayed together with family members, and it is encouraged to pray as a group whenever possible.
  18. What is the significance of the movements in Salah?

    • The movements in Salah, like bowing and prostrating, help Muslims show their humility and submission to Allah.
  19. Can Salah be prayed while sitting down?

    • Yes, if someone is unable to stand, they can pray Salah while sitting down or even lying down.
  20. What should you do if you get distracted while praying Salah?

    • If you get distracted while praying Salah, you should try to focus your mind on Allah and His words, and ask Him to help you concentrate. For more information visit QuranExlains.com or contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari.


What is the concept of oneness of Allah? 

Answer: The oneness of Allah means believing that there is only one Creator, one God, who is unique and incomparable.

How can we understand the oneness of Allah through scientific research? 

Answer: Scientific research shows us that everything in the universe originates from a single source, just like how all human beings start from a single cell.

Can you give an example of how humans start from one cell? 

Answer: Yes, just like how a baby grows from a single cell in the mother’s womb, all living beings start their life journey from a single cell.

What are some examples of things in nature that show oneness? 

Answer: Examples include one heart in our body, one brain controlling our thoughts and actions, and one eye helping us see the world around us.

How does the logic of scientific research support the idea of one Creator? 

Answer: Scientific research shows us that everything in the universe follows a pattern of unity and harmony, indicating that there is one Creator behind all creation.

What do we learn from Quran chapter 112, verse 1, about the oneness of Allah? 

Answer: Quran chapter 112, verse 1, tells us that Allah is One, unique, and eternal, with no beginning or end.

Why do we believe in only one God, as mentioned in Quran chapter 112, verse 1? 

Answer: We believe in one God because the evidence from both scientific research and Quranic teachings points to the existence of a single Creator.

Can you name some things in nature that are based on one, just like the oneness of Allah? 

Answer: Examples include one sun that provides light and warmth, one moon that illuminates the night sky, and one sky that covers the entire earth.

Why do you think there are so many different Gods worshipped by people around the world? 

Answer: People may worship different Gods due to differences in culture, tradition, and belief systems, but ultimately, there is only one true Creator.

How can understanding the oneness of Allah help us appreciate the world around us? 

Answer: Understanding the oneness of Allah helps us see the unity and interconnectedness of all creation, fostering a sense of wonder and gratitude for the world around us.

What are some ways we can show gratitude to the one Creator, Allah? 

Answer: We can show gratitude to Allah by being kind to others, taking care of the environment, and using our abilities to help those in need.

How can we explain the concept of oneness of Allah to our friends who may not understand it? 

Answer: We can explain that just like there is only one sun that provides light for everyone on earth, there is only one Creator who created everything in the universe.

Why is it important to believe in the oneness of Allah? 

Answer: Believing in the oneness of Allah helps us understand our purpose in life and guides us to live a righteous and fulfilling life.

Can you think of any examples from nature that demonstrate the oneness of Allah’s creation? 

Answer: Examples include the symmetry in butterfly wings, the Fibonacci sequence in sunflower seeds, and the interconnectedness of ecosystems.

How does understanding the oneness of Allah influence our behavior towards others? 

Answer: Understanding the oneness of Allah reminds us to treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion, as we are all part of the same creation.

Why do you think some people may find it difficult to understand the concept of oneness of Allah? 

Answer: Some people may find it difficult due to lack of exposure, cultural differences, or personal beliefs, but with patience and education, they can come to understand it better.

What are some ways we can remind ourselves of the oneness of Allah in our daily lives? 

Answer: We can remind ourselves through daily prayers, Quranic recitation, and reflecting on the beauty and order in nature.

How can we use our knowledge of the oneness of Allah to make positive contributions to society? 

Answer: By recognizing the unity of all creation, we can work towards promoting peace, justice, and equality in our communities and beyond.

Can you think of any stories or examples from Islamic history that illustrate the importance of believing in the oneness of Allah? 

Answer: Examples include the story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his unwavering belief in the oneness of Allah, despite facing challenges and adversity.

How can we continue to learn more about the oneness of Allah and deepen our understanding as we grow older? 

Answer: We can continue learning through Quranic studies, attending Islamic classes, and seeking guidance from knowledgeable scholars and teacher Sh Touqeer ANSARi who can help us explore the depths of our faith.or visit QuranExplains.com


Q: Why do we avoid listening to music in Islam? 

A: We avoid listening to music in Islam because it can distract us from remembering Allah and fulfilling our religious duties.

Q: How does listening to music affect our focus during prayer and worship? 

A: Listening to music can divert our attention away from Allah and prevent us from fully concentrating on our prayers and worship.

Q: What does Islam say about using drugs? 

A: Islam prohibits the use of drugs because they harm our bodies, minds, and souls, and can lead us away from the right path.

Q: What are some dangers of using drugs? 

A: Using drugs can lead to addiction, health problems, poor decision-making, and even legal troubles.

Q: Why is it important to avoid being close to someone of the opposite sex without marriage? 

A: In Islam, being close to someone of the opposite sex without marriage can lead to temptation and inappropriate behavior that goes against Allah’s teachings.

Q: What can happen if we engage in inappropriate relationships? 

A: Engaging in inappropriate relationships can lead to broken hearts, unwanted pregnancies, and feelings of guilt and regret.

Q: How do inappropriate relationships affect our society? 

A: Inappropriate relationships can weaken the fabric of society by undermining the institution of marriage, causing family conflicts, and leading to the birth of children without proper care and support.

Q: What are some consequences of having illegal relationships? 

A: Illegal relationships can result in emotional pain, social stigma, and difficulties in raising children without the stability of a committed family.

Q: Why does Allah dislike inappropriate relationships? 

A: Allah dislikes inappropriate relationships because they lead to actions that are harmful to individuals, families, and society as a whole.

Q: How can we protect ourselves from the negative consequences of forbidden actions? 

A: We can protect ourselves by following Allah’s guidance, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, and making wise choices.

Q: What role do parents and teachers play in guiding us away from forbidden actions? 

A: Parents and teachers play a crucial role in educating us about right and wrong, helping us understand the consequences of our actions, and providing support and guidance.

Q: How can we resist peer pressure to engage in forbidden actions? 

A: We can resist peer pressure by staying true to our values, seeking support from trusted adults, and making friends who share our beliefs and values.

Q: What should we do if we find ourselves in situations where we are tempted to engage in forbidden actions? 

A: We should seek help from Allah through prayer, remember the consequences of our actions, and seek advice from wise and trustworthy individuals.

Q: How can learning about the consequences of forbidden actions help us make better choices? 

A: Learning about the consequences helps us understand the importance of obeying Allah’s commands and motivates us to avoid actions that can harm ourselves and others.

Q: What are some positive alternatives to engaging in forbidden actions? 

A: Positive alternatives include spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies and interests, and engaging in acts of kindness and charity.

Q: How can we earn Allah’s pleasure and avoid His anger? 

A: We can earn Allah’s pleasure by obeying His commands, seeking His forgiveness when we make mistakes, and striving to live a righteous life.

Q: Why is it important to seek forgiveness if we have engaged in forbidden actions? 

A: Seeking forgiveness shows that we regret our mistakes, are willing to change our behavior, and are sincere in our desire to please Allah.

Q: What are some ways we can contribute to building a better society? 

A: We can contribute by being responsible citizens, treating others with kindness and respect, and promoting justice and equality for all.

Q: How does following Allah’s guidance lead to a happier and more fulfilling life? 

A: Following Allah’s guidance brings peace of mind, inner contentment, and a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Q: What role does faith play in guiding us towards making right choices and avoiding forbidden actions? 

A: Faith strengthens our resolve to do what is right, gives us hope and courage in difficult times, and reminds us of our ultimate accountability to Allah.


Q: Why is music considered forbidden in Islam? 

A: Music is considered haram in Islam because it can distract us from remembering and worshiping Allah properly.

Q: What happens when we listen to music instead of remembering Allah? 

A: Listening to music can take our attention away from Allah and His teachings, making it harder for us to be good Muslims.

Q: How does music affect our relationship with Allah? 

A: Music can weaken our connection with Allah and make it easier for us to forget His commandments and guidance.

Q: Why should we avoid engaging in activities that distract us from worship? 

A: Engaging in distracting activities can lead us away from the path of righteousness and make it harder for us to earn Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.

Q: What does Islam say about the use of drugs? 

A: Islam strictly prohibits the use of drugs because they can harm our bodies, minds, and souls, and lead us away from fulfilling our responsibilities as Muslims.

Q: Why are drugs harmful to our health and well-being? 

A: Drugs can damage our bodies, impair our judgment, and lead us to make bad decisions that can harm ourselves and others.

Q: How does drug use affect our ability to worship and remember Allah? 

A: Drug use clouds our minds and makes it difficult for us to focus on worship and remember Allah’s teachings and guidance.

Q: Why is it important to avoid relationships with the opposite sex outside of marriage? 

A: Islam teaches us to preserve our modesty and chastity by avoiding relationships with the opposite sex outside of marriage to protect ourselves from sin and maintain our purity.

Q: What are the consequences of engaging in relationships outside of marriage? 

A: Engaging in relationships outside of marriage can lead to disobedience to Allah, heartache, and disappointment, and it can damage our reputation and relationships with our families.

Q: How does Islam guide us to interact respectfully with the opposite sex? 

A: Islam teaches us to treat members of the opposite sex with kindness, respect, and modesty, and to maintain appropriate boundaries in our interactions to protect our honor and theirs.

Q: Why should we avoid actions that displease Allah, even if they seem fun or exciting? 

A: We should avoid actions that displease Allah because they can lead us away from His mercy and blessings and harm our relationship with Him.

Q: What are some ways we can strengthen our relationship with Allah and avoid forbidden actions? 

A: We can strengthen our relationship with Allah by praying regularly, reading and learning from the Quran, and surrounding ourselves with good influences and role models.

Q: How can we resist temptation and peer pressure to engage in forbidden actions? 

A: We can resist temptation and peer pressure by remembering our commitment to Allah, seeking support from trusted adults and friends, and making wise choices that honor our faith and values.

Q: Why is it important to seek forgiveness from Allah when we make mistakes? 

A: It is important to seek forgiveness from Allah when we make mistakes because He is merciful and compassionate, and He wants us to turn to Him for guidance and forgiveness.

Q: How does seeking forgiveness help us grow as Muslims? 

A: Seeking forgiveness helps us acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and strive to do better in the future, strengthening our faith and character as Muslims.

Q: What role do parents and teachers play in helping us understand and avoid forbidden actions? 

A: Parents and teachers play a crucial role in guiding us to understand and avoid forbidden actions by providing us with knowledge, guidance, and support to make good choices and live according to Islamic principles.

Q: How can we develop the courage to resist peer pressure and follow our Islamic values? 

A: We can develop the courage to resist peer pressure by remembering our faith, seeking guidance from Allah through prayer, and surrounding ourselves with supportive friends and family members who share our values.

Q: What does Islam say about repentance and turning back to Allah after making mistakes? 

A: Islam teaches us that no matter how big our mistakes may be, Allah’s mercy is greater, and He is always ready to forgive us if we sincerely repent and turn back to Him with humility and remorse.

Q: Why should we strive to be obedient to Allah and avoid forbidden actions, even when it’s difficult? 

A: We should strive to be obedient to Allah and avoid forbidden actions because doing so brings us closer to Him, earns His pleasure and reward, and ensures our success in this life and the Hereafter.

Q: How can we stay true to our Islamic values and principles while navigating the challenges of growing up? 

A: We can stay true to our Islamic values and principles by seeking guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, and constantly striving to improve ourselves and draw closer to Allah.


Question 1: Who created everything in the world? 

Answer 1: Allah created everything in the world, including oceans, mountains, clouds, and even us! Alhumdulilla.

Q: What are some things that Allah created? 

A: Allah created many amazing things like oceans, mountains, flowers, and animals. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who made the sun shine brightly in the sky? 

A: Allah made the sun shine brightly so we can see during the day. Alhumdulila.

Q: What about the moon? Who made it glow at night? 

A: Allah made the moon glow at night to light up the sky. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who created the tall mountains we see? 

A: Allah created the tall mountains that we see all around the world. Alhumdulila.

Q: How do clouds form in the sky? 

A: Allah makes clouds by gathering water vapor in the sky. Alhumdulila.

Q: Can we touch the clouds? 

A: No, we can’t touch clouds because they are high up in the sky. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who made the birds fly in the air? 

A: Allah made birds with wings so they can fly freely in the sky. Alhumdulila.

Q: What about honeybees? Who made them buzz around flowers? 

A: Allah made honeybees to collect nectar from flowers and make delicious honey. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who created the vast oceans and seas? 

A: Allah created the oceans and seas where many creatures live. Alhumdulila.

Q: What are some creatures that live in the ocean? 

A: Fish, dolphins, and sharks are some creatures that live in the ocean. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who made the stars twinkle in the night sky? 

A: Allah made the stars twinkle beautifully in the night sky. Alhumdulila.

Q: Are there other planets and galaxies in space? 

A: Yes, Allah created many planets and galaxies beyond our Earth. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who painted the colorful flowers we see? 

A: Allah painted the colorful flowers to make our world beautiful. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who created the trees that provide shade and fruits? 

A: Allah created trees to give us shade and delicious fruits to eat. Alhumdulila.

Q: Can we count all the grains of sand on the beach? 

A: No, it’s impossible because Allah made so many grains of sand! Alhumdulila.

Q: Who made the wind blow gently through the trees? 

A: Allah made the wind blow softly to cool us down on hot days. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who created the seasons like spring, summer, fall, and winter? 

A: Allah created the seasons to bring changes in weather throughout the year. Alhumdulila.

Q: What about rainbows? Who made them appear after the rain? 

A: Allah made rainbows with beautiful colors to appear after it rains. Alhumdulila.

Q: Who made each and every one of us unique and special? 

A: Allah made each of us unique and special with love and care. Alhumdulila.

Through these questions and answers, children can begin to appreciate the wonders of Allah’s creation. They can marvel at the beauty and complexity of the world around them while understanding the role of Allah as the Creator of all things.


  1. What are some things we can’t see but know exist?

    • We can’t see the wind, but we feel it blowing. We can’t see our thoughts, but we know we’re thinking. These are examples of unseen things that exist.
  2. Can you give an example of something unseen but essential for life?

    • Oxygen is invisible, but we need it to breathe and stay alive. We can’t see it, but it’s there, keeping us alive and healthy.
  3. How do electronic signals show us the existence of unseen things?

    • Devices like phones and computers use electronic signals to send messages and connect with others. We can’t see these signals, but they exist and help us communicate.
  4. What are some unseen parts of our bodies that are essential for living?

    • Our hearts and lungs are inside our bodies, so we can’t see them, but they work tirelessly to keep us alive. We can’t see them, but we know they’re there.
  5. Can you explain how Allah is like the wind, unseen but powerful?

    • Just like we can’t see the wind but feel its effects, we can’t see Allah, but we see His creations and feel His presence in the world around us.
  6. How does Allah’s existence compare to the oxygen we breathe?

    • We can’t see Allah, but His presence is vital for our spiritual well-being, just like oxygen is essential for our physical health.
  7. Why is it important to believe in things we can’t see, like Allah?

    • Believing in Allah helps us understand the world better and gives us guidance on how to live our lives in a good and kind way.
  8. What are some examples of things we can’t see in nature, but we know they exist?

    • We can’t see the roots of trees underground, but they help trees stay strong and healthy. We can’t see the love between family members, but we feel it in our hearts.
  9. How does Allah’s existence make sense when we think about all the beautiful things in nature we can see?

    • When we see the beauty of flowers, trees, and animals, we can’t see Allah directly, but we can see His amazing creations, which show His existence and greatness.
  10. Can you explain how Allah’s existence is like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered?

    • Just like a treasure may be hidden from sight but still exists, Allah’s existence may not be visible to our eyes, but we can find evidence of His presence all around us.

Through exploring the unseen wonders of the world, we can deepen our understanding of Allah’s existence and appreciate His infinite wisdom and power. Visit QuranExplains.com to learn more about how to protect yourself from atheism and agnosticism and strengthen your faith in Allah.


  1. What is Salah?

    • Salah is a special way Muslims communicate with Allah, praying five times a day to express gratitude and seek guidance.
  2. Who is Allah?

    • Allah is our Creator, the source of everything in the universe, and the one who takes care of us every day.
  3. What is Tawheed?

    • Tawheed means believing in the oneness of Allah, understanding that He is the only true God.
  4. Why do we bow in Salah?

    • Bowing in Salah is a sign of respect and humility towards Allah, acknowledging His greatness and superiority.
  5. What is Taqwa?

    • Taqwa is being mindful of Allah’s presence and doing what is right because we know He is always watching us.
  6. Why do we pray five times a day?

    • We pray five times a day to maintain a close connection with Allah and to remember His love and guidance throughout the day.
  7. What do we say in Salah?

    • In Salah, we say special phrases like “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) and “Subhana Rabbi al Aazeem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great) to praise and glorify Allah.
  8. Why do we make Sajda in Salah?

    • Sajda is a way to express our love and devotion to Allah, showing submission and humility towards Him.
  9. Who taught us to pray?

    • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us how to pray and showed us the best way to communicate with Allah.
  10. How can we show Taqwa in our daily lives?

    • We can show Taqwa by being kind, honest, and helpful to others, and by obeying Allah’s commands in everything we do.
  11. Why do we cover our heads during Salah?

    • Covering our heads in Salah is a sign of respect and humility towards Allah, reminding us that we are in His presence.
  12. What should we do if we forget something during Salah?

    • If we forget something, we can ask Allah for forgiveness and continue our Salah. In the end we make 2 Sajda before Salam Allah appreciates our efforts to worship Him sincerely.
  13. Why is Salah important for Muslims?

    • Salah is important because it helps us maintain a strong connection with Allah, seek His guidance, and find peace and contentment in our hearts.
  14. Can we pray Salah anywhere?

    • Yes, we can pray Salah anywhere that is clean and quiet, as Allah listens to our prayers no matter where we are.
  15. How does Salah help us remember Tawheed and Taqwa?

    • Salah reminds us of Allah’s greatness and our duty to worship Him alone, fostering Taqwa and strengthening our faith in Tawheed.
  16. What should we do before starting Salah?

    • Before Salah, we perform ablution (Wudu), cleansing our hands, face, arms, head, and feet to purify ourselves before standing in front of Allah.
  17. Why do we pray facing the Kaaba in Makkah?

    • We pray facing the Kaaba as it is the sacred house of Allah, symbolizing unity and connection among Muslims worldwide.
  18. How can we make our Salah better?

    • We can make our Salah better by focusing on the meaning of our prayers, reciting Quranic verses with understanding, and praying with sincerity and devotion.
  19. Why do we recite Surah Al-Fatiha in every Salah?

    • Surah Al-Fatiha is a special chapter in the Quran that expresses gratitude to Allah, seeks His guidance, and reminds us of His mercy and love for us.
  20. What should we do if we feel happy or sad during Salah?

    • During Salah, we can express our feelings to Allah in Ruku and Sajda, seeking comfort and guidance from Him, as He is always ready to listen and help us.
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