
Protect Young Minds from Atheism and Agnosticism - For Parents and Teachers


In every aspect of existence, from the grandeur of the cosmos to the intricacies of our own being, Muslims find a profound connection to Allah, the Supreme Being and Creator of the universe. believers delve into the essence of Allah, seeking to understand His omnipotence, omnipresence, and infinite mercy.


Does Allah Exist?
Yes, Allah exists as the supreme being and creator of the universe or whatever exist.

Who is Allah?
Allah is the source of all sources in this world, the universe, and above the Seven heavens. Allah, the Arabic term for God in Islam, is believed to be the one and only deity, eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent.

Where is Allah?
Allah transcends space and time, not confined to a physical location in the earth or universe. He is on His Throne above, having control everywhere and beyond our comprehension.

Why can’t I see Allah?
Allah is beyond human perception, not bound by physical limitations. Our senses are not equipped to perceive His existence in the same way we perceive physical objects.

Who is the creator of Allah?
In Islam, Allah is considered the ultimate creator, self-existent, eternal, and without beginning or end. He is the creator of all materials and the source of light and whatever exist survival.

How can I talk to Allah?
Muslims believe in the power of prayer (Salah or Dua) as a means of communicating with Allah. They pray directly to Him, seeking guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.

What is the Quran?
The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel over approximately 23 years.

What is the significance of the Quran?
The Quran serves as a guide for Muslims in all aspects of life, providing spiritual guidance, moral principles, and laws to govern personal conduct and societal affairs.

What is the Sunnah?
The Sunnah refers to the traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), including his sayings (Hadith) and actions. It complements the Quran and provides further guidance for Muslims.

What is the purpose of life in Islam?
According to Islam, the purpose of life is to worship and obey Allah, seek His pleasure, and strive for righteousness and good deeds.

What is Tawhid?
Tawhid is the central belief in the oneness of Allah in Islam. It emphasizes the absolute unity and uniqueness of Allah in His attributes and sovereignty.

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
The Five Pillars of Islam are Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). They are essential acts of worship and pillars of the Islamic faith.

What is the significance of Hajj?
Hajj is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, symbolizing unity, equality, and submission to Allah.

What is the concept of Jihad in Islam?
Jihad refers to the struggle or striving in the way of Allah Religion of Islam , encompassing personal and external efforts for justice and defense and teaching and spreading Tawheed to worship Allah alone

What is the Islamic view on charity (Zakat)?
Zakat is obligatory charity in Islam, serving as a means of purifying wealth and promoting social justice.

What is the significance of Ramadan?
Ramadan is a month of fasting, self-discipline, and spiritual reflection, commemorating the revelation of the Quran.

What is the Islamic perspective on peace?
Islam promotes peace, tolerance, and compassion, encouraging harmonious coexistence and justice.

What is the role of women in Islam?
Islam grants women rights and responsibilities equal to men, emphasizing their dignity, respect, and role in society within Islamic laws.

What is the concept of Taqwa in Islam?
Taqwa refers to consciousness of Allah, guiding believers to righteous actions and avoidance of sin.

How can one attain salvation in Islam?
Salvation in Islam is achieved through faith in Allah, good deeds, sincere repentance, and seeking His forgiveness, with a focus on living a righteous life in accordance with Islamic principles and striving for the Hereafter.

In summary, exploring the essence of Allah in Islam involves delving into His attributes, teachings, and guidance, guiding believers towards a life of devotion and righteousness. For more info contact Sheikh Touqeer Ansari or visit quranexplains.com.


Who created everything in the world, like the trees, the sun, and even us? Allah created everything in the world. He made the trees grow, the sun shine, and us too!

Can you make something out of playdough or blocks? Yes, we can make things out of playdough or blocks, but Allah made everything in the world out of nothing!

If someone asks, “Who made Allah?” what can we say? Allah was not made by anyone because He is the One who made everything, i. He’s special like that!

What is Allah made of? Allah is not made of anything because He is not like anything else. He is special and different from everything we know.

If Allah is not made of anything, how can He make everything else? Allah is very powerful, and His power is unlike anything we can imagine. He doesn’t need to be made of anything to create everything else.

Can we see Allah? No, we can’t see Allah because He is so special and different from us. But we can feel His love and see His amazing creations all around us!

What are some things we can see that Allah made? We can see the beautiful flowers, the shining stars, and the colorful butterflies. Allah made all of these wonderful things!

If someone says, “Who made Allah?” what can we tell them? We can tell them that Allah has always been here, and He made everything. No one can make Allah; as we know, everything is made from some material. Allah is light and power, and no one has ever seen Allah in reality. No one knows how anyone can be a creator of who is the creator of the universe, galaxies, this world. We don’t see Allah or whatever exists, but we feel His presence. Everything will taste death, but Allah cannot die. He is very special and powerful!

Why do we believe in Allah even though we can’t see Him? We believe in Allah because we can see all the amazing things He made. We can feel His love and see His signs all around us.

Can we touch Allah? No, we can’t touch Allah because He is not like anything we can touch. But we can talk to Him and feel His presence in our hearts.

Through these simple questions and answers, children can begin to understand the uniqueness and greatness of Allah, the Creator of all things. For more information and resources on teaching children about Islam, visit QuranExplains.com.



Wise and Powerful: He is most wise and powerful, able to do things we can’t even imagine.

Kind and Merciful: Allah is kind and most merciful, always ready to forgive and help us.

Our Best Friend: Explain that Allah is our best friend who is always there for us, even when others might not be.

Listens to Us: Allah listens to us when we talk to Him in our prayers and Dua , just like a caring friend listens when we speak.

Invisible Friend: Tell them that even though we can’t see Allah, He is always with us, like an invisible friend.

Giver of Gifts: Allah gives us many gifts, like parents relatives, friends tasty foods, yummy fruits, and variety of drinks.

In the Quran: Mention that Allah’s words are in a special book called the Quran, which guides us on how to live a good trouble free life.

Watches Over Us: Allah watches over us like a more than loving parent, making sure we are safe and happy.

The One and Only: Help them understand that Allah is the one and only God, and there is no one else like Him.

Teaches Us Right and Wrong: Allah teaches us what is right and wrong through Quran and His last. Prophet so we can be good and kind to others.

Creator of Animals: Share that Allah created all the animals, big and small, lions rabbits, birds fishes with love and care.

Gives us Families: Explain that our parents families friends are a special gift from Allah, and He wants us to love and care for each other.

In Control of Everything: Allah is in control of everything, like the weather, Falls Spring Summer winter, rain, thunder, snow winds trees, and the oceans.

Hears Our Secrets: Let them know that Allah hears our secrets and knows what is in our hearts.

Forgives Mistakes: Allah forgives us when we make mistakes such as lying cheating stealing and fighting

and mistakes teaching helps us learn from them.and ask forgiveness from Allah.

Our Guide: Explain that Allah is like a guide, showing us the right path in trouble free life.

In the Sky: Tell them that Allah is above the sky, looking down on us with love.

Creator of Colors: Mention that Allah created all the beautiful colors we see in flowers, butterflies, rainbows and the sky

Always Loves Us: Lastly, emphasize that Allah always loves us, no matter what, and His love is the most special of all.


Nowadays, Muslims refer to God as Allah. It’s important to note that non-Muslims also use the term ‘God’ to refer to Allah. The name Allah is an unchanging identity; just as you wouldn’t call your friend Ali by the name David and expect a response, we cannot call Allah by any other name, and He won’t respond.

Is it wrong to call Allah ‘God’? Yes. You cannot attribute titles to Allah that are reserved for those who follow Him, without associating partners. In Islam, ignorant people may refer to humans like Jesus, Buddha, etc., as gods. Calling anyone other than Allah as God is considered a great sin, as mentioned in Quran Chapter 7, Verse 180. Those who do not call Allah by His designated names, as outlined in the Quran, will face punishment.


In Our Hearts: Explain that Allah is close to us, residing in our hearts with love and kindness.

Everywhere Around Us: Share that Allah total controls is everything and everywhere, in the sky, trees, and the air we breathe.

In the Mosque: Teach that we go to the mosque to feel closer to Allah and worship together.

In the Quran: Explain that Allah’s words are in the Quran, and reading it helps us connect with Him.

In the Sky: Tell them that Allah is above the sky, watching over us like a caring guardian.

In Our Prayers: Emphasize that when we pray, we are communicating with Allah, and He listens to our words.

In the Stars and Moon: Mention that Allah created the stars and the moon, and His presence is reflected in the beauty of the night sky.

In Acts of Kindness: Share that when we are kind and helpful, we are following Allah’s teachings, and He is present in our good actions.

In the Sun: Explain that Allah created the sun, providing warmth and light to the world.

In Our Thoughts: Remind them that Allah knows our thoughts and understands what is in our hearts.

In Our Dreams: Assure them that Allah is with us even in our dreams, guiding and protecting us.

In Nature: Explore how Allah’s creations, like flowers, animals, and rivers, surround us, showcasing His divine presence.

In Loving Families: Highlight that Allah is present in the love shared among family members.

In Learning: Explain that when we learn new things, we are appreciating the knowledge Allah has given us.

In Acts of Generosity: Teach that when we share and help others, we are embodying Allah’s generosity.

In Forgiveness: Emphasize that Allah forgives us when we make mistakes, such as lying, cheating, backbiting fighting and His mercy is always with us.

In Silence: Explain that sometimes, we feel Allah’s presence in quiet moments of reflection and gratitude.

In Rain and Thunderstorms: Share that Allah controls the weather, and elements like rain Snow and thunder remind us of His power.

In Food: Express gratitude for the food we have, as it comes from Allah’s provisions.

In the Promise of Tomorrow: Convey the idea that Allah is with us every day, guiding us through life’s journey.


Invisible Presence: Explain that Allah is not like things we can see, but His presence is felt in our hearts and surroundings.

Special Connection: Share that we connect with Allah through our prayers and good actions, even though we can’t see Him.

Different from Everyday Things: Clarify that Allah is not like toys or people; He is unique and beyond our normal understanding.

A Test of Faith: Teach that believing in Allah without seeing Him is a test of our faith, like believing in the wind even though we can’t see it.

Spiritual Understanding: Introduce the concept that Allah is a spiritual being, and we use our hearts and feelings to understand His presence.

Beyond Our Sight: Explain that Allah is beyond what our eyes can see, unlike the things in our daily life.

In the Unseen World: Share that Allah exists in a world that we can’t see, a world of the unseen.

Like Love and Happiness: Compare Allah’s presence to emotions like love and happiness, which we can’t see but can feel.

In the Sky and Beyond: Express that Allah is above the sky and beyond the reach of our eyes.

Mystery and Wonder: Discuss that Allah is a wonderful mystery, and some things are meant to be understood with our hearts.

Faithful Belief: Emphasize that having faith means believing in Allah even when we can’t see Him.

Guidance Through Signs: Explain that Allah guides us through signs in nature, like the sun, moon, and stars.

Hidden from Human Eyes: Share that Allah’s greatness is hidden from human eyes, and our minds may not fully comprehend Him.

In the Quran’s Words: Point out that the Quran tells us about Allah, and reading it helps us understand His wisdom.

Invisible Friend: Introduce the idea that Allah is like an invisible friend, always with us, even if we can’t see Him.

Trust and Patience: Teach that trusting in Allah and being patient are important, even when we can’t see Him.

Respecting Allah’s Nature: Explain that Allah’s nature is different from the things we see, and we show respect by understanding this difference.

Believing in Miracles: Share stories about miracles and explain that sometimes Allah’s actions are extraordinary and beyond our sight.

Understanding with the Heart: Encourage them to use their hearts to understand Allah, as the heart can see things that the eyes cannot.

A Beautiful Mystery: Convey that Allah’s invisibility adds to His beauty, and it’s a part of the wonderful mystery of faith.

Who is Satan?

Satan, also known as Iblis, is a disobedient creature made from fire.
Why is Satan a troublemaker?

Satan opposes Allah’s commands and tries to lead humans away from the path of righteousness.
How does Satan influence people?

Satan whispers evil suggestions and temptations to humans, trying to lead them astray.
Can we see Satan?

No, Satan is invisible to us, but his influence can be felt through negative thoughts and actions.
What does Satan want from us?

Satan wants us to disobey Allah and follow our desires, leading us away from goodness.
Can we defeat Satan?

Yes, by seeking refuge in Allah and following His guidance, we can resist Satan’s temptations.
Why did Allah create Satan if he causes trouble?

Allah created Satan to test our faith and to give us the opportunity to choose between right and wrong.
How can we protect ourselves from Satan’s influence?

By remembering Allah, reciting Quranic verses, and seeking His protection through prayer.
Can Satan harm us physically?

No, Satan cannot harm us physically, but he can influence our thoughts and actions.
What happens to those who follow Satan?

Those who follow Satan may face spiritual and moral consequences, leading them away from Allah’s mercy.
Can Satan enter our hearts?

No, Satan cannot enter our hearts, but he can try to influence our thoughts and feelings.
Does Satan have any power over Allah?

No, Satan has no power over Allah. Allah is the Supreme Creator and controls everything, including Satan.
Why does Satan target humans specifically?

Satan targets humans because we have free will and can choose between right and wrong, making us susceptible to his whispers.
How can we recognize Satan’s whispers?

Satan’s whispers often lead to disobedience to Allah’s commands and stir up negative emotions like jealousy, anger, and greed.
Can we seek forgiveness if we fall into Satan’s traps?

Yes, Allah is Most Merciful, and He forgives those who sincerely repent and seek His forgiveness.
What can we learn from Satan’s story?

We learn the importance of obedience to Allah, resisting temptation, and seeking refuge in Him.
Can Satan harm Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

No, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was protected by Allah from Satan’s influence.
How does Satan feel about believers?

Satan dislikes believers and tries to lead them astray, but Allah’s protection shields the believers from his harm.
Can Satan appear in different forms?

Yes, Satan can appear in various forms to deceive humans, but his ultimate goal remains the same: leading them away from Allah.
How can parents and teachers help us stay safe from Satan’s influence?

Parents and teachers can guide us to learn about Islam, strengthen our faith, and teach us how to recognize and resist Satan’s temptations through regular prayers, reading Quran, and following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).



Question: What is physics? 

Answer: Physics is the study of how things work in the universe, from tiny particles to the stars and galaxies, all created by Allah. 

Question: Why is physics important? 

Answer: Physics helps us understand how things move and interact in the world around us, showing us the wonders of Allah’s creation, like how toys roll or why the sun shines. 


Question: What is chemistry? 

Answer: Chemistry is the science that helps us understand what things are made of and how they can change, reflecting Allah’s wisdom in the intricate composition of matter. 

Question: Why is chemistry important? 

Answer: Chemistry helps us mix colors to paint pictures, bake yummy cookies, and even blow bubbles in the bath, showcasing the diverse creations of Allah. 


Question: What is biology? 

Answer: Biology is the study of living things, like animals, plants, and even tiny bugs, all part of Allah’s beautiful creation. 

Question: Why is biology important? 

Answer: Biology helps us learn about animals at the zoo, plants in the garden, and why we need to take care of our pets, teaching us to appreciate the life forms created by Allah. 


Question: What is geology? 

Answer: Geology is the study of rocks, mountains, and how the Earth looks, revealing the magnificent landscapes crafted by Allah. 

Question: Why is geology important? 

Answer: Geology helps us find pretty rocks on the beach, climb mountains like superheroes, and dig in the dirt to find buried treasure, marveling at the wonders of Allah’s creation. 


Question: What is astronomy? 

Answer: Astronomy is the study of stars, planets, and everything in space, illustrating the vastness of Allah’s universe. 

Question: Why is astronomy important? 

Answer: Astronomy helps us see shooting stars in the night sky, learn about the moon’s phases, and dream about exploring outer space, inspiring awe and reverence for Allah’s creation. 


Question: What is meteorology? 

Answer: Meteorology is the study of weather, including things like rain, wind, and storms, all part of Allah’s intricate design. 

Question: Why is meteorology important? 

Answer: Meteorology helps us know when to wear a raincoat, fly a kite on windy days, and stay inside during thunderstorms, reminding us of Allah’s control over nature. 

Environmental Science:

Question: What is environmental science? 

Answer: Environmental science is the study of how animals, plants, and people live together on Earth, emphasizing the importance of stewardship over Allah’s creation. 

Question: Why is environmental science important? 

Answer: Environmental science helps us take care of the Earth, like recycling trash, planting trees, and keeping rivers clean, fulfilling our duty to preserve the environment as entrusted by Allah. 


Question: What is neuroscience? 

Answer: Neuroscience is the study of our brains and how they help us think, feel, and move, reflecting Allah’s wisdom in the complexity of human beings. 

Question: Why is neuroscience important? 

Answer: Neuroscience helps us understand why we laugh when we’re happy, cry when we’re sad, and learn new things every day, showcasing the intricate workings of Allah’s creation within us. 


Question: What is psychology? 

Answer: Psychology is the study of how we feel and act, and why we do things, guiding us to understand the human psyche created by Allah. 

Question: Why is psychology important? 

Answer: Psychology helps us make friends, share toys, and be kind to others, nurturing empathy and compassion, qualities encouraged by Allah. 


Question: What is sociology? 

Answer: Sociology is the study of how families, friends, and communities work together, highlighting the importance of social cohesion in Allah’s grand design. 

Question: Why is sociology important? 

Answer: Sociology helps us understand why we love our families, help our friends, and share toys with others, fostering unity and cooperation, values cherished by Allah.

Question: Why is chemistry important?

Answer: Chemistry helps us mix colors to paint pictures, bake yummy cookies, and even blow bubbles in the bath, showcasing the diverse creations of Allah, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are atoms? Answer: Atoms are tiny particles that make up everything around us, from the air we breathe to the water we drink, all created by Allah’s magnificent design, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do we use chemistry in cooking? Answer: In cooking, chemistry helps us combine ingredients to make delicious meals and treats, celebrating the flavors and aromas of Allah’s bountiful provisions, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are molecules? Answer: Molecules are groups of atoms that come together to form different substances like water, sugar, and even the air we breathe, all part of Allah’s intricate creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do things change color when they mix? Answer: Things change color when they mix because different substances combine to create new colors, revealing the beauty and wonder of Allah’s artistic palette, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does soap make bubbles? Answer: Soap makes bubbles by interacting with water to trap air inside, creating fun and frothy bubbles that float and pop, a playful reminder of Allah’s joy in His creations, Subhan Allah.

Question: What are acids and bases? Answer: Acids and bases are special types of substances with different properties, like sour lemons and slippery soap, all part of the diverse balance in Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How does chemistry help us understand the world? Answer: Chemistry helps us understand how things work, like why ice melts in the sun or how plants grow from seeds, revealing the intricate systems of Allah’s creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: What causes fireworks to sparkle? Answer: Fireworks sparkle because of chemical reactions that produce colorful lights and patterns in the sky, a dazzling display of Allah’s creativity and brilliance, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do batteries power our toys? Answer: Batteries power our toys by using chemical reactions to create electricity, allowing us to play and have fun, a reminder of Allah’s generosity in providing sources of energy, Subhan Allah.

Question: What happens when we mix vinegar and baking soda? Answer: When we mix vinegar and baking soda, they react to produce bubbles and fizz, creating a fun and exciting chemical reaction, a testament to Allah’s wisdom in the interactions of His creations, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do we feel clean after taking a bath? Answer: We feel clean after taking a bath because soap and water wash away dirt and germs from our skin, leaving us refreshed and purified, a reflection of Allah’s blessings in cleanliness and hygiene, Subhan Allah.

Question: What is the role of chemistry in medicine? Answer: Chemistry plays a crucial role in medicine by helping us develop new drugs and treatments to keep us healthy and well, a manifestation of Allah’s mercy and compassion for His creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do plants grow? Answer: Plants grow by using sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to make food through photosynthesis, a miraculous process that demonstrates Allah’s sustenance and care for His creation, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do some drinks taste sour? Answer: Some drinks taste sour because they contain acids, like lemonade and orange juice, providing a tangy flavor sensation, a reminder of Allah’s variety and richness in taste, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do we make ice cream? Answer: We make ice cream by mixing ingredients like milk, sugar, and flavorings, then freezing them to create a delicious frozen treat, a delightful indulgence made possible by Allah’s abundance and generosity, Subhan Allah.

Question: What causes bread to rise? Answer: Bread rises because of a chemical reaction between yeast, sugar, and water, producing bubbles of gas that make the dough expand, a marvel of Allah’s design in the process of fermentation, Subhan Allah.

Question: How do fireworks make noise? Answer: Fireworks make noise because of the rapid expansion of gases inside them, creating explosive sounds that fill the sky, a spectacular display of Allah’s power and grandeur, Subhan Allah.

Question: Why do some substances smell?
Answer: Some substances smell because of molecules that evaporate into the air and trigger our sense of smell, adding depth and richness to our sensory experiences, a reminder of Allah’s intricacy in the world around us, Subhan Allah.


What is a superconductor? 

A superconductor is a special material that allows electricity to flow through it without any resistance, Alhumdulila.

How do regular materials differ from superconductors? 

Regular materials, like metals, have resistance, which means they slow down the flow of electricity. Superconductors, on the other hand, have zero resistance, allowing electricity to flow freely without hindrance, Alhumdulila.

Can you give an example of resistance in everyday life? 

Sure! When you try to push a heavy object across the floor, you might feel resistance from the friction between the object and the floor. Similarly, regular materials create resistance to the flow of electricity, Alhumdulila.

Why are superconductors so special? 

Superconductors are special because they can conduct electricity without any loss of energy. This unique property makes them incredibly efficient and useful for various applications in technology and science, Alhumdulila.

How are superconductors like a magical toy train track?

Just like how a toy train moves smoothly along a magical track without slowing down or getting stuck, electricity flows effortlessly through a superconductor without encountering any resistance, Alhumdulila.

What makes superconductors useful? 

Superconductors have many practical applications. They can be used to create powerful magnets for medical devices like MRI machines, develop faster and more efficient electronic circuits, and even build levitating trains that float above superconducting tracks, Alhumdulila.

Why do scientists find superconductors fascinating? 

Scientists are fascinated by superconductors because they defy the usual rules of physics. Understanding how they work could lead to breakthroughs in various fields, from energy production to transportation, Alhumdulila.

Can anyone make superconductors? 

Superconductors are created using specific materials and methods in specialized laboratories. While scientists continue to research and develop new superconducting materials, they are still challenging to produce and work with, Alhumdulila.

Are there any limitations to superconductors? 

Despite their incredible properties, superconductors have some limitations. For example, they only work at very low temperatures, which can be difficult and expensive to maintain for certain applications, Alhumdulila.

What does the future hold for superconductors? 

The future of superconductors looks promising! Scientists are constantly discovering new materials and techniques to improve their performance and expand their applications. As technology advances, we can expect to see even more innovative uses for superconductors in the years to come, Alhumdulila.


  1. Admiring Creation: Encourage children to appreciate the beauty of Allah’s creation around them, such as the sky, trees, and oceans, and say “Subhan Allah” (Glory be to Allah) when they witness something awe-inspiring.

  2. Expressing Gratitude: Teach children to express gratitude by saying “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah) when they receive blessings or achieve small accomplishments.

  3. Acknowledging Greatness: Instill the habit of saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) when children witness something magnificent or impressive.

  4. Seeking Forgiveness: Remind children to seek forgiveness by saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah) when they make mistakes or feel remorseful.

  5. Memorizing Supplications: Help children memorize morning and evening supplications (Duas) for protection, guidance, and blessings, which they can recite before going to bed.

  6. Using Bismillah: Encourage children to start any activity, big or small, by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah), seeking blessings and protection for their endeavors.

  7. Reciting Dhikr: Teach children simple phrases of remembrance (Dhikr) in their mother tongue, such as “La ilaha illallah” (There is no god but Allah) or “SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi” (Glory be to Allah and praise Him).

  8. Praying on Time: Emphasize the importance of performing Salah (prayer) on time, as it is a direct means of remembering Allah throughout the day.

  9. Reflecting on Blessings: Encourage children to reflect on their blessings and express gratitude to Allah for them, fostering a sense of appreciation for His favors.

  10. Setting Reminders: Help children set reminders on their devices or in their surroundings to pause and remember Allah throughout the day, reinforcing the habit of mindfulness and remembrance.

By incorporating these practical ways into their daily routines, children can develop a strong connection with Allah and cultivate a habit of remembering Him throughout their lives.


In the life of a Muslim, Salah (prayer) holds profound significance as a means of establishing a connection with Allah and fostering spiritual growth. Even at a young age, understanding the essence of Tawheed (oneness of Allah) and Taqwa (God-consciousness) in Salah lays a strong foundation for a child’s faith and identity. Here’s how we can explain the significance of Tawheed and Taqwa in Salah to children in junior kindergarten:

  1. Introduction to Tawheed: Begin by explaining to the children that Allah is our Creator, the one who made us and everything around us. Emphasize that there is only one Allah, and He is the most powerful and loving. Use simple language and visual aids like pictures or drawings to illustrate the concept of oneness.

  2. Learning the Basics: Teach the children the basic movements of Salah, such as standing, bowing (Ruku), prostration (Sajda), and sitting. Use interactive methods like role-playing or mimicking to make it engaging for them. Encourage them to recite simple phrases like “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) and “Subhana Rubbay yel Aazeem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great).

  3. Understanding Taqwa: Introduce the concept of Taqwa as being aware of Allah’s presence and trying to do what is right. Explain that when we pray, we show our love and respect for Allah, and this helps us become better people. Encourage them to think about ways they can be kind and helpful to others, which is part of Taqwa.

  4. Exploring the Meaning: Break down the meaning of the words recited during Salah in simple terms. For example, explain that when we say “Allahu Akbar,” we are telling Allah that He is the biggest and most important. When we bow down in Ruku, we show our respect and humility to Allah. Help them connect these actions to the concept of Tawheed and Taqwa.

  5. Interactive Activities: Engage the children in fun activities related to Salah, such as coloring pages depicting the different positions, or singing simple songs with Salah-related phrases. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about Salah, fostering a sense of participation and ownership.

  6. Encouraging Practice: Create a positive environment where children feel encouraged to practice Salah regularly. Offer gentle reminders and praise their efforts, reinforcing the importance of Tawheed and Taqwa in their Salah.

By instilling the understanding of Tawheed and Taqwa in Salah from a young age, we lay the groundwork for children to develop a strong connection with their faith and a deep reverence for Allah. This knowledge forms the basis of their spiritual journey, guiding them towards a life of devotion, integrity, and righteousness.


  1. What is Salah?

    • Salah is a special way Muslims talk to Allah. We pray five times a day to thank Allah and ask for help.
  2. Who is Allah?

    • Allah is our Creator. He made everything in the world and takes care of us every day.
  3. What is Tawheed?

    • Tawheed means believing in one Allah. We know that only Allah is the most powerful and great.
  4. Why do we bow in Salah?

    • We bow in Salah to show Allah that we respect Him a lot. It’s like saying, “Allah, you are the greatest!”
  5. What is Taqwa?

    • Taqwa means being good and doing the right thing because we know Allah is watching us all the time.
  6. Why do we pray five times a day?

    • We pray five times a day to keep our hearts close to Allah and remember how much He loves us.
  7. What do we say in Salah?

    • We say special words like “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) and “Subhana Rubbay yel Aazeem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great) to praise Allah.
  8. Why do we make Sajda in Salah?

    • We make Sajda to show Allah that we love Him a lot. It’s like giving Him a big hug with our hearts.
  9. Who taught us to pray?

    • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us how to pray. He showed us the best way to talk to Allah.
  10. How can we show Taqwa in our daily lives?

    • We can show Taqwa by being kind to others, sharing with friends, and helping our family.
  11. Why do we cover our heads during Salah?

    • We cover our heads as a sign of respect for Allah. It helps us remember that we are talking to Him.
  12. What should we do if we forget something during Salah?

    • If we forget something, we can ask Allah to forgive us and try again. Allah loves when we do our best.
  13. Why is Salah important for Muslims?

    • Salah is important because it helps us stay close to Allah and remember His love for us. It makes our hearts happy.
  14. Can we pray Salah anywhere?

    • Yes, we can pray Salah anywhere that is clean and quiet. Allah listens to us no matter where we are.
  15. How does Salah help us remember Tawheed and Taqwa?

    • Salah reminds us that Allah is the most powerful and loving. It helps us be good and remember to thank Allah for everything.
  16. What should we do before starting Salah?

    • Before Salah, we should wash our hands, face, hands up to elbow. We take little water rub our Head and again we takes little water cleans our ears and feet to make sure we are clean and ready to talk to Allah.
  17. Why do we pray facing the Kaaba in Makkah?

    • We pray facing the Kaaba because it is a special place where Allah’s house is. It helps us feel connected to other Muslims around the world.
  18. How can we make our Salah better?

    • We can make our Salah better by praying with love and attention, and trying to understand what we are saying.
  19. Why do we recite Surah Al-Fatiha in every Salah?

    • Surah Al-Fatiha is like a special gift from Allah. It reminds us of how much Allah loves us and helps us ask for His help.
  20. What should we do if we feel happy or sad during Salah?

    • We can tell Allah how we feel during Salah in Ruku and Sajda . He is always listening and ready to help us feel better.

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